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Hi Everyone, I wonder what, if any side effects anyone has had after one or both of these injections!

As my husband works part time for the NHS, he had his just over two weeks ago. He had both, in the same arm. The next day he had a huge lump on his arm, headaches and the chives. I had both yesterday (Sun) & had one on each arm. Today I have a terrible headache, dizziness, nausea and sore joints. Funny thing is, I had the booster on my left arm and it has been fine. The flu jag on my right arm has made the arm painful from the jag site to my hand. 

I was wondering has anyone else had any problems and could you tell me what they are please! I'm wondering if my right arm is sore because I have been having problems with  anyway. However I have never had any reaction before with e flu jag which is why I thought it would be OK to get it in this arm! 

Hope this finds everyone as good as they can be.  Oh I hate the dark nights but love the Autumn colours!

  • I had Astra...just had some Headache the next day.

    But here you have to wait two weeks between Flu and Vaccine...maybe then the side effects are not so bad??? Makes sense to me.

  • Hi to Everyone who answered. It is interesting the different reactions people have to these jags. Like you Ruth, I believe no matter what the side effects are, it is really important for us all to get them. I wonder did the people who had the Astra...for the first two jags, realise that they didn't make a booster at all. Only the Pfizer and one other booster is available!

    I hope everyone who has had all three feels better and the side effects have worn off by now. I still have a bit of a headache and chills earlier in the day but the chills have gone now, thankfully. It is terrific for those of you who have had no side effects, good for you! I hope everyone about to get their Booster and/or flu jag had little or no side effects.

    Pet, I think having two weeks between the Booster and the flu jag seems very sensible as I think the problem is maybe that the two together is a bit much for the body to cope with!

    Thanks again for your replies and those who have not had their 3rd jag yet, could post how they are afterwards!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • I had both Astra zenecas before they mentioned booster and was happy to have the Pfizer booster as a lot of research has shown that having a mix of vaccinations gives even better protection so I’m all for that. 


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • Had Pfizer every time and no side effects but was advised not to have same time as flu jab or during treatment

  • I had Moderna for all 3 (first 2 and booster). Had chills and fever and aches for a night after the first one, nothing after the 2nd, maybe a bit tired after the 3rd - in September I think, bc here they gave 3rd shots then to people with compromised immune systems. Somewhere in the last month or two I had the flu shot and don't remember any symptom at all. Maybe tired?

    Oh I hate the dark nights but love getting to wear pants again! And the fact that everyone smells better! LOL (it's dropped down into the 70s consistently, not so much sweating)


  • Hi Patricia, You are the first person I have heard getting Moderna for all three, I'm glad you didn't have too many side effects! It was only given here (Scotland) as a booster as far as I know as everyone had Ptizer or AstraV for the first two.

    Divine Ms M (sounds formal) Hi, yes I do think it is sensible to have the flu jag at a different time but this wasn't done by our GP here but in special centres so there was no choice!

    Well, down to the 70's indeed! Are you having a laugh!! It is minus 1 tonight with ground frost. My husband had to de-ice his car earlier and came back in for his gloves, scarf and hat! Brrr! I also hate the dark nights, it is dark here before 5pm and in another few weeks it will be much earlier than that. It makes it seem such a l o n g  night! You enjoy the 70's while you can!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Richard, I haven't heard that before but surely if that was the case, they would make sure more people had a mix of jags. Astra Z didn't make a booster, so you had no choice but to have something different.

    I am pleased your side effects weren't too drastic! I've still got a really bad headache and sore joints but hoping things will settle for the weekend!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Yes my sister lives in America and had the moderna as well.

    she also has the same temperatures as you being in Florida x


  • I am still trying to arrange a booster despite 2 reminders from the NHS and letter from oncology. I have been trying to use online system for over a week and get rejected as ineligible. Today I rang 119 - I cant book via them either as my vacc record is not up to date!!  Ring the Gp they say - no answer after hanging on for 10 mins, so emailed them but i know I wont get a response for at least 7 days... I tried the booster walk in web site and there is one near me next week but if you check what they are offering it make no mention of boosters just dose 1 and 2.Am going to go anyway and see- but this seems to have been a shambles compared to the first 2 dose organisation.

    It is almost like the epidemic is over ( that is  what they want us to think anyway).  Over 5 million dead globally by some probably underestimated stats and predictions of another 2 million by Feb - and still the anti-vaxxers are rabid.  I do wonder, looking at the world, if the saying, "those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad" is spot on. Sorry, my mood is angry today, but the sun shining helps, but I do hate this dark time of year. And I hate incompetence.

  • I couldn’t book for my booster I found the nearest place doing boosters via nhs site the went over with my letter and they happily jabbed me 


    be safe, be nice, be you