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Why does everyone treat me like I'm made of glass? Fed up with going out with my friends and then they "make me" get a cab home "just in case". 

Just in case of what exactly? 

I live in a tiny town, where everyone knows everyone,  if I was to so much as cough I have someone there with bubble wrap at the ready. It's really getting on my nerves,  I know they care , but I'm the same person I have always been,  I used to run a pub and I'm  a trained security guard!! 

It's getting boring. SleepingDrooling faceSleepingDrooling face

It was only half 6. 

  • Be grateful I think. Life is far, far harder if people do not take into account that you can no longer do what you used to. It is ruddy exhausting in fact. And the most difficult person to convince that you have to slow down? Yourself. 

    Stuart x 

  • Hello Lily, I recall speaking with you before because my wife has that same condition as your husband, that bloody MS.

    She had to give up work more than 20 yrs ago and still hasn't forgiven it for taking away her independence.

    She gets fed up if people think she is OK because if she is having a good day she looks good, but gets fed up if people allude to it because she says they have no idea how she feels. So basically the same as us lot on here.

    I still think you should forgive your friends, after, of course, you have made your point with a bit of locking up!


  • Yes we have spoken before. And my husband says the same, but he will also be one of the first to tell me to stop doing things for other people then expect me to drill holes in walls and put shelves !!! Last time I really messed it up and then he said, "looks better without it anyway!" Never in my life have I ever wanted to strangle someone,  Haha.   But life and love has its ups and downs. I'm glad I posted on here as you have all been massively helpful and often it is you guys that keep me grounded.   Grin

    Lils x
  • , good to see your username again Stuart. How goes it?


    Love life and family.
  • I've been about Tvman, maybe not posting quite so much. Been a bit up and down health wise. I'm on a lot of supplementary oxygen now and can't walk far, so we have a little wheelchair. Only having palliative care now and have been told to expect 3 more months. 

    We're off on our Hurtigruten fjords cruise for a fortnight on Wednesday, so busy packing for that.

    Much love,

    Stuart x 

  • We are doing a bit of packing for our move, would be much happier doing it for a cruise. Never done the fjords, her indoors always wanted sunshine, not that you won't get it there, even polar bears like a bit of sun on their backs!

    Get some of that peace and quiet in you, you will relax as soon as you pull out of the docks. I love that bit.

    Let's hope your three months is like SiTs three months, extended due to good behaviour!, well, bad behaviour in his case!

    You both have a great time.

  • Hi Stuart 

    So sorry to hear about your deteriorating condition, 3 months? Let's hope you are here this time next year. I'm in a wheelchair too although I can get around without one at home. I have found it exasperating sometimes when I can't get to where an able bodied person can. On the whole though, I find the general public very kind and helpful.

    The Hurtigruten fjords, eh? I presume they're in Norway? My wife and I had a cruise of the Norwegian fjords about 3 years ago. The scenery is fantastic, mind blowing! You may have a chance of seeing the Northern Lights even. A fantastic free light show that can't be replicated and the sight of them lives long in the memory! I really hope you see them. We were in Iceland on a different holiday when we saw them but I know you can see them from Norway, maybe you have seen them before? 

    Take care and stay safe Stuart


    Love life and family.
  • Hi ,

    Like the others said, maybe it is better that your friends show they care, rather than dont - which so often happens when people run away when cancer is mentioned. But I also agree it is irritating that people dont see you for who you are - a tough cookie by the sound. My sense of humour etc is still the same, but I know some people avoid subjects when around me, like I might cry on them or something - as if !  Finding the balance is hard - I want to be useful and stilll do many of the things I did, but have to accept some things are changing, like I am knackered more often after a walk etc. And sometimes it would be nice if people who have depended on me to be the "strong One" in emotional terms and practical terms realised that maybe I am not ready to be as available to them as I was. Luckily I have lots of people in my life who are accepting and open to listening properly, and maybe I will also need to learn to get better at accepting help.

  • Hi Stuart, really hope you have a fabulous time in the fjords and that the 3 months is the best it can be , if it proves accurate. Lets hope it isnt.


  • Enjoy your holiday.

    I went to Bergen and a boat trip on the fjords. Lovely and peaceful.

    enjoy the scenery x
