
  • 12 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Had blood taken. Unfortunately  for me not good GP  contacted me  to tell me blood  transfusion  wouldn't  work so at the end of the line Regards  fighting  of my cancer fully except  my situation pain control  not to bad have carers first and last thing ramp just been installed sitting in the beautiful  sunshine  so that's a bonus Regards  getting around wife to weak to push wheelchair will have to have a go at transferring  from chair  to scooter it's only 3weeks that my cancer changed so quickly  not much more to tell to be honest haven't quite  understood  this site regarding  posting as I get please do not reply to emails I understand  one camt be rude no matter I am sitting  in my garden thinking  of the lovely life I have been so fortunate  to have  had

  • Don't worry about the ' don't reply to emails ' that just the site, doesn't mean a thing.

    I used to hate people saying take it one day at a time, but I think that's what you have been doing anyway. Your situation has been quick in developing but it may well not carry on like that. Best wishes.

  • Best wishes from me too Jim. I am glad to hear you have the carers coming in to help, and also the ramp has been done for you. I hope you can manage the scooter ok. 

    It is a lovely day to be sitting in the sunshine x 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Keep thinking of those lovely things Jim. And lovely times and places you enjoyed. Hang on in there. RD

  • Best wishes great you have help from carers and hope you get pain control xxx

  • Glad you are able to sit outside and enjoy the sunshine xx


  • Sorry to hear things are going the wrong way for you. Soak up the sun enjoy the memories of a life well spent. Spend as much time with your loved ones as you can and take all the drugs you can’t get   


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • Hi Jim, I am so sorry things seem to have moved very quickly but having carers in will make a difference to both you and your wife. I'm sure she wishes she could do more to help. It is great having a garden to sit in and enjoy the sun. Who was the one who did the gardening in your house? I can only do 10/15 minutes at a time now and since diagnosis I've taught my husband how to work the cooker, dishwasher, microwave etc the garden is very low on his list of priorities and he still can't tell a weed from a flower. I tell our grandchildren a weed is a wild flower that is a gift from the birds! Enjoy the sun Jim. It is far too hot for me atm!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Thinking of you Jim, take care mate.

    Stuart x 

  • So sorry to read your update Jim. Thinking of you


  • Sending peace and good thoughts your way.