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  • 49 subscribers

Had blood taken. Unfortunately  for me not good GP  contacted me  to tell me blood  transfusion  wouldn't  work so at the end of the line Regards  fighting  of my cancer fully except  my situation pain control  not to bad have carers first and last thing ramp just been installed sitting in the beautiful  sunshine  so that's a bonus Regards  getting around wife to weak to push wheelchair will have to have a go at transferring  from chair  to scooter it's only 3weeks that my cancer changed so quickly  not much more to tell to be honest haven't quite  understood  this site regarding  posting as I get please do not reply to emails I understand  one camt be rude no matter I am sitting  in my garden thinking  of the lovely life I have been so fortunate  to have  had

  • Aw Jim mate, so sorry to hear that your condition has deteriorated so quickly, and as others 6 have said, ignore the line that says "do not reply to this email" . I can't understand why it's there, it has been there since I joined the site 5 or 6 years ago. I just wonder if there are others we don't know who have been put off using the site because of that wording. With you in mind Jim I'm going to see if I can get those words removed or at the very least bring it up with the community team. It's good to read that you have help twice a day. 

    Your wife I'm sure would love to be still helping you but there comes a time when she just can't do it anymore. My wife is the same, she hasn't the strength anymore, especially as I have put on 4 stone since my pain is so great that I can't walk more than a few steps and the general public is relieved also. I no longer have to apologise profusely for her misreading the situation in front of me!!. I struggle to get around with my manual wheelchair, especially on hills and footpaths that are slanted so much that I'm only using one arm to propel me along. 

    I bought a motorised scooters some 5 years ago and it has been one of my best purchases ever. It's not more than a chair on wheels with a little basket.for a few goods in the shop. I've only recently had to have the two 12 volt batteries replaced. I've had no other expenses and it cost less than £850.

    Warm sunshine on your face is a wonderful feeling. As you say, you have been lucky to have had such a great life so it must also be great to reminisce with those times. 

    I'm sorry for such a long post Jim. My good friend Annette,  can't help it either. We both use a few hundred words when twenty would do! When we email each other we use enough words that a short story would consist of. I think Io have outwritten her on this occasion though. 

    Take care Jim and keep reminiscing, it's goød for the mind.


    Love life and family.
  • Hello Jim I hope you are peaceful and painfree and able to enjoy each day. Take care x

    Flowerlady x