Our best friend Tinalay

  • 21 replies
  • 56 subscribers

I am so sorry to have to pass on the sad news that Tina passed away yesterday morning at 5.00am. It was a peaceful ending.

I have asked for arrangement details so her friends can think of her at that time.

  • Hi Norberry,

    I also received a message letting me know.  I had been trying to make arrangements with Tina to visit but had to go away for a week and by the time I get back she was not well enough to receive visitors.

    I had the pleasure of meeting her in person and she was lovely.  A caring and intelligent person , I know that she took great comfort that she could speak to people here who could understand her situation.


    My thought are with you Tina wherever you are.

    Love Gragon xx

  • Thank you for letting us know 

    RIP Tinalay xxx


  • Really sorry to hear that, one of the first people I interacted with on here. She always seemed to look at the positive side of things so glad it was a peaceful end. Thoughts are with her family 


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • Thank you for letting us know , I’m glad to hear she had a peaceful ending. 

  • Thanks Norberry.

    Terrible news, all our love to Tina and her family. I'm glad that she is at peace now.

    Stuart x 

  • Thanks Norberry

    I followed Tin Lady, i am so sorry to hear this.

    Not been n much lately, but glad i have, even though it is sad news

    My Thought are with her family.

     Ellie x

  • Thank you for letting us all know a brill person will be greatly missed by me and everyone else I will never forget her xxx

  • Oh no Norbs, the inevitable has sadly happened. I'd say that everyone in this group was aware of how outstanding a lady she was. She enjoyed the humour that abounds in here and mentioned it frequently. I feel for her twin sister who not so long ago lost her husband and now her best friend has also passed on. I hope she can get over that. 

    Tinalay stood proud among the best of the best in our group. She supported everyone and I'm proud to have been a friend.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • So sad but glad Tina got her way in the end dying at home peacefully. The loss of another friend!

    Thanks Norb I know how difficult it is to be the one to let everyone know. Take care!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!