• 42 replies
  • 55 subscribers

I have just received a PM from SiT. He is at the end now. This will be a shock to everyone who knows him because he never made the fuss he was entitled to.

He just said he is going to toddle off gracefully and would I let everyone know.

He is the funniest bloke I have ever not met, I cried real tears at all of his posts. I was grateful to be considered his friend and he has loads more on here, you all know who you are.

He told me nothing more, if he does, and allows me to, I will keep you all posted.

The Forum won't be the same and nor will I. He has elderly parents that he has been looking after, what terrible news for them.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry


    All massive fun!!!

    Nothing changes - it's just timescale and the oncs haven't got a clue so it's palliative and sides restrictive to the end which may be day's weeks or even more....

    I would like to take the opportunity to thank you all for being  my friends - you have all been magnificent!!!!

    It has been and remains my pleasure to mix it up so hopefully we can continue for a while longer

    & anyway... I told him not to tell anyone... blabbermouth!

  • I always thought you couldn't trust him!!


    Love life and family.
  • I’ve been trying to respond since first reading this post.  your in my thoughts, wishing you comfort in your next phase and thank you for your support.  More importantly thank you for keeping  in his place Slight smile

  • I suppose it would be ungracious to argue that. He will be sniggering like a girl when he reads your post.

  • Hi Norberry, I read the posts here yesterday but couldn't get signed in to reply. When I tried to sign in by putting in my email address a box appeared saying "this email address is already in use" DAH! Yes it's my email address and I'm trying to use it! Anyway, it's just as well I couldn't sign in as I could hardly see for the tears. Then just now, I did get signed in and SiT you have now posted and started chemo....fantastic! Didn't I tell you the medics have no clue as to sell by dates!! I'm living proof, now you are too and I hope you will stay around for a very long time yet! Let's see if you can catch up to my record! Now that's a challenge for you! I will even let you use the B****** to catch up! I can't say fairer than that!

    Please SiT show everyone how it's done and Kick A** and please share your "pals" here with Norberry or he will be in a huff!

    We are at the seaside for the Bank Holiday weekend, thanks, I can now enjoy it without worrying about you both!!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • I was devastated to read the post from Norberry regarding your really upset me because even though we are all in the same boat you are so strong and able to keep your sense of humour through all that you are suffering. So I was really pleased when I was your post later saying you are being offered chemotherapy again. I know that's not nice either but I do hope it goes well for you. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Keep strong've got this and keep posting if you are able to. We need your cheery banter to lift us all up and keep us inspired. Take care now. Lamb.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Thx sooo much Annette

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Little lamb

    Very kind words indeed

  • Hi SiT,

    I'm happy the reports of your imminent demise seem to have been exaggerated, I hope that the chemotherapy isn't too horrid and you are able to have more adventures with the Bstard and more spats with Norberry.

    Best wishes 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Salis

    Thx Sal but doing everything to ignore he of the PinkFurryLadyGloves along with piercingly hateful looks at TheBastard at EVERY opportunity!!!