• 42 replies
  • 55 subscribers

I have just received a PM from SiT. He is at the end now. This will be a shock to everyone who knows him because he never made the fuss he was entitled to.

He just said he is going to toddle off gracefully and would I let everyone know.

He is the funniest bloke I have ever not met, I cried real tears at all of his posts. I was grateful to be considered his friend and he has loads more on here, you all know who you are.

He told me nothing more, if he does, and allows me to, I will keep you all posted.

The Forum won't be the same and nor will I. He has elderly parents that he has been looking after, what terrible news for them.

  • Thank you for letting us know. I will miss SIT  and his antics and the Bastard x


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Rosethorns

    Hi All

    Sorry to do this but they called me back in yesterday pm and put me back on chemo which starts shortly...

    Inevitable it would happen sooner or later and kind inevitable it would be me!!!! Sorry

  • No need for apologies, we are all so thankful that you are here to continue to tell the tale. 

    Look at how many friends you have here, you lucky man xx 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Ooh hi  was just reading this thread and feeling incredibly sad when up you pop again. Thoughts are with you hope the chemo does what it’s meant too


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • Good to hear from you. Enjoy your chemo!


  • There is a need  for nuclear sized apologies. I want you to suffer . I am glad I didn't waste too many tears, in fact I can't remember any! All your friends have evaporated, they are all following me now. You wait until La Norbette gets on your case. She's never heard of forgiveness.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry

    still not well you know...

  • Did anyone see a reply from me? I can't find it. There were a lot of replies to your post Norbs so I went straight to the bottom and wrote a reply saying I was so shocked and was lost for words. I think it was below Chelle's or Ruth's. So I have just looked again and it's still not there but what I didn't see because I went down to the last post is that Simon had sent in a post. I am wondering if Simon has deleted my post or contacted admin to remove it. Of course maybe Simon thought it was so moving and tender that he has diverted it to his home page so he can admire it constantly.

    Norbs, would Simon do that? I've just read a post from you that is so blunt and... Jeez, I hope Simon has one helluva sense of humour. OMG it's, well it's... OMG. He's going to need a BIG BIG one. Sense of humour mate, no need for filth ha ha ha. 

    Oh I think you have, Simon. What a friend you are, to me, not to Norbs ha ha. I wouldn't be surprised if you went round to Norbs and threw TheB.... at him and wrapped it around his neck Joy Take a photo please and post it here. 

    You take it easy Simon, you're not well you know. Take care my friend, you're one brave man.


    Love life and family.
  • SiT. Hope all goes well with your chemo.

  • He will carry on putting strain on the NHS Tvman, they need the challenge. I don't mean to be mean, he is a one off thank God, but he is worrying me to death! Come on SiT, get back to your fighting weight.