Coming to the end

  • 55 replies
  • 53 subscribers

Hi all Jim788 here had consultation  this morning both agreed since my last chemotherapy  11th may unfortunately  for me didnt work very well decided  to stop any further  chemotherapy I feel quality of life is more important  than length  of time and  will get some pain relief organised start living what's left  of my life with no discomfort who knows how long one has sorry about content  sending pain free vibes to you my second family

  • What a lovely photo, and so lovely to have cuddles with your grandson too. Happy times x


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    I think you're right I've discovered a very strong urge to be a 'good' patient but it's not doing me any favours.

    Still haven't heard at 4pm on Tues and the palliative care team finish at 4.30. so won't hold my breath. xx

  • Hi Jim, wishing you well. I chose a similar route at the end of January after being told my chemo wasn't working. I am pain free thanks to a great medication regime and am able to tweak it as needed. The pain consultant is only a phone call away when I need help. I'm just back from a weeks break in Kent and am looking forward to a long weekend in a couple of weeks with all of my family, 4 generations. Making lots of wonderful memories, that's what is important now, Good luck my friend, Julie

  • Thank you everyone for all your kind comments, I can assure you that they're most welcome. We're back home again in Northern Ireland and missing my daughter and family so much.

    Only two weeks old and as you say Annette , little Lucy has hair like me lol. My wife was holding her and I spoke to her, telling her that she is beautiful and her eyes immediately diverted to where my voice was, fixing her gaze upon my face. She did that on every subsequent occasion when I spoke to her. I know she probably can't see my face properly but maybe sounds will be something a baby remembers. 

    Annette, I had patches before the morphine, I think they were Fentanyl, it's so long ago now but they didn't work. I went up the numbers, up and up. I'll try to find out from the doctor.. 

    Once more everyone, thanks for your lovely words.

    Take care and stay safe everyone.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Waiting is so hard 

    I hope something is resolved for you today xxx


  • Tinalay you need to start shouting, or at least get someone to shout for you. This is not acceptable, someone needs to pull their finger out. Being a good patient doesn't mean you have to put up with pain.

    Hope it gets sorted today x 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to chellesimo
    • I think you’re right Chelle, and I’m going to follow the advice everyone’s giving me. My sister said today that seeing me in pain is the thing that is really  upsetting our sons the most so that’s a massive incentive to start shouting. 
      I spoke to my Mac nurse today & she’s coming to meet me on Fri. I was very calm & said we’d all lost faith, didn’t feel we had enough support to make any progress with the care plan especially  as the plan still isn’t working. My sister said it sounded more deadly because I was so calm, the nurse said it was her fault because she didn’t ask about an epidural until late last night....Face palm tone2Face palm tone2‍ Couldn’t make it up! xx
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Zestforlife

    Thank you for your kind words unfortunately  for me I Git somewhat upset theres nothing  else on offer there must be some sort of trials somewere have asked no response as yet so I suppose that's it then sorry just feeling a bit down 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    So sorry  no wonder you feel a bit down. If good wishes were enough you’d be out there enjoying this warm summer sun with all

    your friends on the site, pain free & strain free. 
    Thinking of you and yours & sending much love and hugs xx

  • what a sweet photo TVman! I am very glad you have finally seen your family x

    Flowerlady x