Coming to the end

  • 55 replies
  • 53 subscribers

Hi all Jim788 here had consultation  this morning both agreed since my last chemotherapy  11th may unfortunately  for me didnt work very well decided  to stop any further  chemotherapy I feel quality of life is more important  than length  of time and  will get some pain relief organised start living what's left  of my life with no discomfort who knows how long one has sorry about content  sending pain free vibes to you my second family

  • We all wish you well Jim. You can always revisit your treatments and as we have often said, who knows whats around the corner. Enjoy your break afrom agravation and nuisance and enjoy tourself a bit.. Best wishes.

  • . In my thoughts. Hopefully with lockdown easing you will be able to make the most of the break from treatment 

  • I hope you have lots of time left and you make lots of new memories, good ones. Laugh a lot my friend.


    Love life and family.
  • All the best jim and enjoy yourself 

  • Good to have a break from it Jim. Hopefully something that will help is just over the horizon.

    Stuart x 

  • I think it is better to have a quality of life for however long you have.

    I am making that decision now.

    I have been offered chemotherapy but am going to refuse it. I think I have been through enough now and have several large mets in Many sites.. I had my final CT and MRI  yesterday and will make this big decision on June 7th when I tell my oncologist after we have had my daughters wedding. 
    I want to enjoy the summer we will be having when all this rain stops.

    I wish you the best time ahead xxx


  • Jim & Ruth. It’s fills me with sadness that you are both at this stage however it also fills me with admiration for you that you have both had the strength to say enough is enough and have made the decision to have the best possible final period of your lives. I hope I am brave enough to make that decision when the time comes. I hope you both are able to make the most of your time. 


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • FormerMember

    Hi  you sound at peace with your decision and it’s good to know you can change it as your situation changes. I’ve had some precious times with family & friends since I stopped cancer treatment and we’re so grateful for that.
    Unfortunately the cancer in my spinal cord cancer has started to progress rapidly and we’re really struggling to get adequate pain relief. I’ve been confined in a hospital bed downstairs for the last 2 weeks and will be having carers a couple of times a day. It’s actually taken 2 weeks to get a visit, and it’s an outside company stepping in until there’s availability in our area. The alternative is to go in to the hospice at least until we get on top of the pain. I’m hoping things will improve again so that I can sit up & have visitors. Luckily my family and I all feel the same as  and  that quality of life is more important, especially after all this time. I will be thinking  of you and am sending love and very best wishes for a break from invasive tests & treatment and the chance of making happy, pain free memories instead. xx

  • Sorry to hear about your pain. I hope it can be sorted for you as soon as possible 

    it is good to have made a decision free of more treatments and tests.

    Pain is so horrible I hope they can get get a good expert for you. Anaesthetists  can be 

    the experts.

    much love. Xxx


  • I hope you can all find an expert to help you. This is a sad time for this forum.