It’s me

  • 26 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Hi Everyone 

I would like to give you all the update from the hospital appointment today, it’s not good news ,it was not 2 lesions on the brain it was quite a few so they have Said. I can have radiotherapy for the symptoms but would not prolong my life so I have a choice to make to have radiotherapy or not,it’s like am dammed  if I don’t and dammed if I do at the moment I don’t know what to do for the best ..l feel so lone with my thoughts I just don’t know anymore what to do, I know I have the support from my family and friends I know that they are trying to say the right things for me but I know it’s killing them in side and I can’t help them like a mum should do plus I can’t stop crying not because of the cancer it’s for my kids and grandchildren and husband..

Thank you all for listening to rant on 

Free12 (Belinda)

  • Hi Belinda, sorry the news was so shit. only thing I can say is that I've had radiotherapy and for me the side effects were minimal, slight tiredness and a bit of soreness of the skin and that was it, so if it it improves the symptoms i'd go for it. 

    It's ok to feel bewildered its a lot to take in. As for the last bit, the only bit that upsets me about having terminal cancer is that I am leaving my wife on her own to cope when I have always wanted to take care of her for all f her life. 


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Remoh

    Hi Remoh

    i know what that feels like my husband is my world now my children have left home plus I have 2 small grandchildren which am finding myself thinking about them. 

    thanks Richard

    Belinda xx

  • Oh Belinda, I am so sorry to hear this news. This disease is so cruel. I’m with Remoh on this one, I think anything is worth a shot, even if it is to help with symptoms, I would want to enjoy the time symptom free as much as possible. 

    You do not have to feel alone in this, and making this decision will not be easy for you. Please call the Macmillan support line, I really think it will help you. They are open from 8am until 8pm everyday on 0808 808 00 00. 

    Sending you a very big hug x 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Horrible news Belinda, we all understand exactly how you feel.

    If the radiotherapy is not going to prolong your life then it's only worth having if it's going to prevent unpleasant symptoms. I had radiotherapy to stop me from coughing up blood and it was well worth it. What are the symptoms they're aiming to reduce for you?

    Radiotherapy itself is a breeze, but it takes a chunk of time out of your life, especially if you have to travel any distance to get to the hospital.

    Take care

    Stuart x 

  • Dear Belinda I am sorry to hear your news. If you need to cry, then you do that. You probably need time to adjust, before you can make any decisions. Gentle hugs x

    Flowerlady x
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to chellesimo

    Hi Everyone 

    thank you all for your support, at the minute I can’t stop crying am getting p***ed off with people telling me that I have got this and that am the minute I don’t feel strong and to keep going how do they know how am feeling, I can’t drive anymore I don’t know if I could go through 5 days of radiotherapy for what. Am so happy for everyone who have beat cancer but then I think why me what have I done to deserve this am not a horrible person but that’s how am feeling at the minute, I would give any person my last £1 .00 if would help them so why am I feeling like this.

    Thank you all for letting me Rant on 

    1. Belinda xxxxxx
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Galilee

    Hi Stuart 

    I have to travel to clatterbridge for all my treatment .


    Belinda xxxx

  • Hi,

    I have had rad 6 weeks radiotherapy to my head many years ago. It was hard I got through it and would not want to repeat  the experience unless I really had to.

    I am told I cannot have any more radiotherapy as I have already been treated there.

    they are now offering me chemo which I don’t want.

    it s such a difficult decision for you to make especially when getting bad news at  the same time.

    It  is very hard for you.  I am going to refuse the chemo. You have to do what feels right for you 

    best wishes 

    ruth xxx


  • Belinda you are not a horrible person. I expect we have all wondered why us?? You could try asking people for some space to think? X

    Flowerlady x
  • Hello Free12.

    Everyone here understands exactly what you are going through and saying and there will be some tears from your many friends on here. Please have any treatment you can so you potentially have more time for other treatment possibilities in the near future. You do not know what is around the corner that is what we are all hoping for. Just to post on here is brave, you are doing the best you can and I bet it is helping your family. With all my best wishes. Xxxxx