Chemo chair

  • 13 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hi all just sitting waiting for my chemo  made a bo bo had my bloods taken friday today Tuesday found out this was to early so hence the wait as I have had to have my bloods retaken theres always  something  to learn anyway just to say thanks for the mobility info its 3 months before the end of lease contract in which I will be contacted  for any changes I wish to make which for me is july no real rush as I am going nowhere having someone  coming to my home to discuss chair options next week cant do any harm I think I will get a financial  contribution towards any private chair I buy in the scheme  of things dont  really care all the very best to everyone must go as my chemo has arrived 

  • Hope your infusion goes well Jim. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Galilee

    Hi thanks for your reply getting to the nitty gritty  I was originally  given 2years to live Oct 2018 well thankfully still here as been said yesterday  is history today is a gift tomorrow a mystery I wish you and your family all the very best

  • I don't really believe any of the time scales my oncologist has given me. I sometimes think they make it up as they go along.

    Some days I feel like I'm going to last for years, and other days I wonder if I'm going to make it to the end of the week.


    Stuart x 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Galilee

    Hi Stuart personally  I dont think they make it up I feel they work on the law of averages ie people with similar  conditions  in the past I feel drug regimes seem to be constantly changing  for the better and of course  we are all different me personally  I have lots of ups and downs I do have plenty of backup my McMillan  nurse and community  which I can contact mostly at any time for me the need to talk 

  • Hi Jim I hope the treatment went smoothly! Hi Stuart, I think the average timescales they give us are based on old data. There have been so many new drugs over the last 10-12 years that are working to keep people alive for longer.  I feel like you, some days I think all is well and then the next as if I have been run over by a bus! This rollercoaster ride continues to go up and down! My short prognosis was in 2013 and no one expected me still to be here, including me! I thank my lucky stars every day!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Galilee

    hi given 6 to 9 months im at number 4 cemo but feel i dont want anymore quality life is not good i feel for my family 

  • I'm with you MelC16.

    I've turned down the offer of more chemo. I just can't stand it, and it has a tiny chance of doing any good.

    All of my family understand, thankfully.

    Stuart x 

  • Hi MelC16 & Galilee (Stuart), I agree that quality is definitely important but I also think it depends on where you are in your journey. Chemo doesn't work for my type of cancer but after do I was offered a Trial drug and I took it although the odds were not good, there was nothing else on offer, so I said yes even when I was told there was only a 30% chance it might work! As I said, I have been lucky. However I do think there will come a time when we will say enough is enough and choose quality over quantity. Some have already reached this stage and some not yet but we know it will come. If there is no quality what's the use of quantity!

    To all those who have reached this decision already, I wish you all the luck in the world that you get the pain under control as with pain there is no quality.

    I had my 6 monthly check up at Dermatology and the consultant found two suspicious lesions. He gave me steroid cream to use twice a day for two weeks, then once a week for two weeks. He phoned after 4 weeks to find out if they had both disappeared. The answer was yes for 1 and no for 1. So I am now waiting for a date to have another biopsy, so back on the rollercoaster. IF I need a Wide Excision that will be my 13th surgery under general anaesthetic! Hopefully I will not need it but I am already asking myself when is it enough! As usual, I'm ever hopeful but the consultant doesn't see it like that!

    We are away for the Bank Holiday weekend and it has been two great days so far with lovely weather and a beautiful sunset tonight with the sun and red sky reflecting off of the sea! It was one of those WOW moments. I hope you all have one of these, over the weekend! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Has anyone else had a message to say " you do not have permission to "create reply" under Chemo Chair"   Or under the heading you are trying to reply to?

    The reply above took me 70 minutes to post and this is not the first time. I was online, had signed in, so what's the problem? I know it's a holiday weekend but if anyone from Admin or Tech or a CC is reading this and has the answer, please let me know!


    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Dear Stuart I am so glad that you posted this as I often feel really strong some days, then others it's the total opposite. I tend to ignore timescales. Take care x

    Flowerlady x