Use of oramorph

  • 11 replies
  • 45 subscribers

My sleep.pattern is absolutely  hopeless advised by my community  nurse to take 5mls oramorph hour before bed  dont like using the word pain it's to control my aches trouble is this makes me constipated so taking a laxative  as well just putting it out there anyone in the similar just cant sleep


Looks like Lincoln  is going to have a lovely day today

  • I had issues sleeping after my two spine ops due to not being able to get comfortable.
    I have terrible constipation problems with oramorph I use bisacodyl and senna to resolve it. I have also found that 2.5 mls of oramorph was enough and reduced the constipation 

    I also find oramorph works in seconds not an hour 


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • I take quite a lot of Oramorph to help with the breathlessness I get with my collapsed lung. Probably 10ml a day. 

    Doesn't constipate me too much but then I am very lackadaisical about my lactose intolerance, so that balances it out.


    For sleep you want Zopiclone. Amazing stuff that just completely knocks you out. You don't even dream.

    Stuart x 

  • FormerMember

    Thanks all for your replies unable sorry dont want to stop a habit of a lifetime meet  up  with some friends me on coffee soft drinks showing  my pot belly of told its because  of steroids sometimes  I am not so sure 

  • FormerMember

    Thanks all for your replies unable sorry dont want to stop a habit of a lifetime meet  up  with some friends me on coffee soft drinks showing  my pot belly of told its because  of steroids sometimes  I am not so sure 

  • Hope that was outside, Jim Joy

  • Hi Jim, As most people here know, I am a night owl because pain keeps me awake and therefore I usually post or more often reply between about midnight and 5am. I have tried most of the drugs used for nerve pain and chronic pain. The only ones I have found that work are Nortriptyline and Zopiclone but they take quite a high dose to work that the next day, I find it hard to function. So I only take them (or one of them) if I have had no sleep at all for about six days, then I make sure I have nothing planned for that day. I now wear pain patches which release 35mm per hour 24/7 and they do help during the day but not with sleep,

    I think most painkillers make you constipated. I take prunes on my cereal and drink pure orange juice last thing at night. Just by reading the replkes here, you can see one drug doesn't suit all, everyone is different. I would advise you to try something for a month and if it ks not working, ask for something else as there are lots of them!

    Now Galilee, don't you see the grass and trees, just to the right of that picture! Of course our Jim wouldn't break the rules! Great pic Jim!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • So good to meet up with friends. I bet you have all had 2  jabs x


  • Hi Jim, I wonder if you have tried the oramorph yet and if you managed to get any sleep?

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    No rules broken it is outside space I usually  stay around 4 hours dont know what happened  had bad diarrhoea all day Sunday bad sickness  into early hours of this morning  seemed to have settled as I write been taking 5 mls of oramorph before bed no laxative suppose takes time to sort blocked up one day diarrhoea  the next. Waiting  for call from my community  nurse it's good of them like to see how I am keeping my mouth very dry lips feel cracked use various sprays and vaseline  for my lips dont  work somewhat  concerned  over my stomach very swollen feels like I am carrying  an alien inside as said make  the best of today oh we get our 2nd jab Thursday all the very best to everyone 

  • Sorry about the diarrhoea. It is unpleasant . I think it will go away in 48 hours. It is a rollercoaster I get a mixture of the 2 extremes as well.  I find the sachets work for my constipation and have to take it every other day not every day or I get diarrhoea 

    I also get very dry lips and put Vaseline on several times a day and it does help a lot.
