Shoulder pain

  • 26 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi Everyone 

I have stage3 NSCLC lung cancer which is incurable so no more treatment, over the last few weeks l have had shoulder pain which is new for me l have been taking my pain killers which don’t seem to be working.. I have a phone appointment on Thursday with my consultant to talk about my scan results with her which am really scared about and now with this pain in my shoulder which as just add to my worries, I want to go back to work but I don’t think she wii let me if I tell her about my pain but I know I have to tell her am just so scared.


free 12 xx

  • FormerMember

    Hiya Free12

    I have the same I my left shoulder & wrist but I'm convinced it's osteo-arthritis. & that is how it shall remain until I am told otherwise... You may consider this my "HeadInTheSand" moment!!! (sort of hahaha - if nervously...)

  • Hi

    You say you are incurable and so no more treatment, but in your profile you mention treatment - have you finished treatment recently and been told there is no more, or are you assuming that? Hopefully your consultant will clarify, but most of us on this forum are incurable, but often still receiving treatment and have been for several years. As for the shoulder pain, it is always hard when you notice something new, and then you can end up focusing on it and worrying constantly. It may be something connected to the lung cancer, or it may not, but whatever worrying about it wont change it. Thursday may seem an age away but hopefully it will arrive and you can ask what you need to and get some clarity. In the meantime do whatever you can to focus elsewhere - on something you enjoy and can lose yourself in. Really hope you get re-assurance on Thursday.

  • FormerMember

    Hi  you’re right, you have to tell your team. They can’t help you unless you do. The shoulder pain could be unrelated but being scared is exhausting. Have you thought of ringing the Macmillan help line? It might help with your anxiety, which is completely understandable xx

  • Hi Free 12, Sorry to hear you have pain in your shoulder. We all know how it feels to have aches and pains and how the mind immediately jumps to conclusions. It could be a strained muscle or similar but the only way to know for sure is to tell your Team and have it checked out! I wonder does your scan cover your shoulder while scanning your lungs, it may be worth asking your Consultant to have a look! 
    I have osteoarthritis and my joints are terrible at the moment because of the cold. I hope it is something simple that can easily be put right!

    Like Ownedbystaffies, I wondered when your treatment had stopped!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ownedbystaffies

    Hi ownedbystaffies

    i was told in 2019 that incurable but manageable so I started treatment in September 2019 then in 2020 stopped cos my treatment was making me ill plus Covid then started again in July 2020 then it was stopped altogether on Christmas Eve as my treatment was not working any more and was told that I could have radiotherapy if my breathing got bad 


    free12 xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Tinalay

    i know your right it’s just am scared of what she might sy and I don’t want to hear washed says 


    Free12 xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    You’re between a rock & a hard place  it’s such a scary place to be. Sometimes what we imagine is worse than the reality...xx

  • Hi

    How have you gone on today with consultant?

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ownedbystaffies

    Hi ownedbystaffie

    thanks for asking well told her about my pain in shoulder plus asked about if I have a problem she I ring triage at the hospital her reply to that only if it’s to do with my cancer treatment as I had immunotherapy in 2019/2020 then she tells me my scan report is not back yet. So after 2weeks of no sleep I still don’t I have to go into the hospital next Thursday to see her so she can check that I have no lumps or veins showing please don’t ask me why cos I don’t know.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi SiT 

    my pain is in the left shoulder as well am wondering if it’s cos my cancer is in the left lung to be honest with you am just not thinking about it cos it’s not happening if I don’t think about it 
