PSA 235

  • 16 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hi Jim 788 here haven't  been on of late feeling somewhat  down seem to be running  out of options  I am some 3 weeks behind with my bloods having palliative  chemotherapy  just had my 3rd cycle on Tuesday  9th March so the psa readings  of 235 are after 2and cycle hopefully  to early to tell if my chemotherapy  works are not just cant help thinking what happens  next will I be offered trials just getting weary of it all need a kick up the bum

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    We're all with you and we've all been there xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hi Annette

    Thanks  for being there I seem to be confused as I went on my yahoo email and my Macmillan  site came up must be linked somehow no Idea how me and technology  I do like it I do get frustrated by it To be honest with this pandemic  it's been a God send and also this site has become  so important I am not a regular  user just knowing  it's there for me is good enough Have to admit to bad days of late feeling of being worn down also my wife could  do with a break from me of course sheridan will never admit to it I am unable  to walk any distance can get round our home luckily  downsized 8 years back Sheridan couldn't  manage  the stairs best thing we both did as for both our health anyway I am in need of a battery  operated  wheelchair have been told by friends one can get NHS voucher to go towards cost first obvious  port of call will be ask the GP starting  to waffle  so I do hope you and family are as well as can  be sending hugs

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks for your kind reply much appreciated 

  • I just wanted to send you a big hug!!!

  • Hi Jim,

    The first wheelchair I had came via GP surgery and social services. I had it for a while but it was very heavy for my husband to lift in and out of the car andmit didn't maneuver well at all. Then when it came to going on holiday, it turned out the airlines wouldn't accept it because of it's weight and that was with it empty! We decided to look about and bought a lightweight wheelchair (Karma Ergo Lite)that is terrific. There was no strain whatsoever on my husbands face while putting it in and out ofthe car. We have taken it on holiday many times, even on cruises without any problems.

    It is worth speaking to your GP to get the balls rolling, it doesnt happen overnight. Although I think I only waited about 4 weeks for mine which was good. Once you have tried one thenyou will know if you will use it regularly or not. Our son bought me an electric buggy that breaks down to 5 pieces and goes in the car boot. We have used that a lot during Lockdown to go for a local walk with our grandchildren and take them to the park. There is a lot out there, and the Disability Scotland allow people to have a 2 week trial to see if it is suitable. I'm not sure about other parts of the country. I do know the Marie Curie Hospices here also have lots of mobility aids for patients.

    It is just great to get out in the fresh air. I was very reluctant to use them and used elbow crutches for a long time before agreeing to try a wheelchair. The way I look at it now is, if you can't see to read, you get glasses, can't hear properly, you get hearing aids, so if you need a chair, dont wait like I did, just get it.

    Hope you are feeling a bit better in yourself!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Salis

    Thanks  I couldn't  put it any better