PSA 235

  • 16 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hi Jim 788 here haven't  been on of late feeling somewhat  down seem to be running  out of options  I am some 3 weeks behind with my bloods having palliative  chemotherapy  just had my 3rd cycle on Tuesday  9th March so the psa readings  of 235 are after 2and cycle hopefully  to early to tell if my chemotherapy  works are not just cant help thinking what happens  next will I be offered trials just getting weary of it all need a kick up the bum

  • There are various options after chemo. I keep my eyes open for when I will need something else. Good luck.

  • Had a quick peek at your bio. I had kidney cancer which is now in my bones, I get an injection every four weeks of denosanib or something like that which hardens the bones and a daily calcium tablet as well. These two together make it harder for the tumours to grow in your bones. This came too late for my T5 & T6 vertebrae which are now in a medical waste bin somewhere. Like you everyone says I’m coping so well but some days the tears just come.  Hopefully with the vast array of new things they keep coming up with they will come up with one that works for you 


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry
    • Thanks for your reply
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Remoh

    Thank you for your reply

  • FormerMember

    I think a kick up the bum is a bit harsh  what would you say to a friend?

    It's very hard to keep your morale up all the time, especially when your options are getting fewer and seem to be having deminishing returns.

    I hope your bloods will pick up soon so you can carry on with the chemo, and the chemo packs a punch with minimal side effects. Will be thinking of you and sending as many positive vibes as possible. I think you should treat yourself to something that'll give you a bit of a lift. xx

  • Hi  be kind to yourself. I know how it feels, chemo, hormone therapy takes masses out of you emotionally and physically for a long time after the last treatment. Be kind to yourself, we’re brought up stiff upper lip, stop whinging, big men don’t cry ....   b****locks it takes a big man to cry. Thinking of you. 

  • Hi Jim

    I hope your bloods pick up and you are offered something else. 

    Sometimes it is just too hard to put on a brave face and seem strong so I think you are quite entitled to have a good cry or a lot of swearing, whatever helps.

    Good luck and let us know how you go on.


  • Hi Jim, it is true most of us, when someone asks how we are, we smile and say "fine thanks" when all you want to do is actually tell them the truth! That things are just horrible and no one can even imagine how you feel! BUT we don't because what good would it do!

    There are new treatments and drugs being tested and discovered all the time. You just hope one of them will help you stabilise, so that when they invent the next drug it will be the one that works it's magic for you and you are still around to try it! There's always hope!

    It is very hard to stay positive all the time, that's why we are in this Group because everyone does know how you feel and this is where to come to get things off your chest!

    Tinalay is right, you don't need a kick anywhere, you need friends to talk to and we are all here for you! When do you next see your Oncologist? You need to ask if he/she what treatments or trials are out there. They are the ones who know but you can research a bit yourself too! I hope you will be kind to yourself too as others say.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you well for just being  there and your words of wisdom I feel as if I have lost a battle to day  I know I have to regroup and I will this site is so important  to me we are all in this together that's were the strength is

  • It's good to have this group to share our downs as well as ups, best wishes for your regrouping and be kind to yourself. 
