Blood tests

  • 78 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Hi everyone

I'll be heading for the doctor's in ¾ of an hour for my latest blood test for my bone marrow cancer. I'll have a telephone consultation on Friday to find out what state my blood is in. Last time, eight weeks ago, I was declared neutropenic after the previous two occasions when I was dead on the line between safety and danger. 

Take care and stay safe everyone

Tvman xx

  • Hi everyone

    Just had a phone call from the McDermott Unit at the hospital. Not good. My haemaglobin has dropped below 100 again but worse still my neutrophils are down from 0.93 to 0.74 which is worrying. Below 1.0 is neutropenic. I have been asked to go to hospital next time when I may need another bone marrow examination to see what's happening. Of course I'm worried but I'll be out in the garden later Smiley

    Take care and stay safe everyone

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Sounds like a bugger Tvman and not what you want to hear. As soon as they can do a proper inspection the better. You are on the radar, a good thing, you know you won't be forgotten. Good luck with it and get some fresh air.

  • Oh, a bone marrow examination does not sound like fun,good luck with it. 

    I hope you enjoy your garden today, I could really do with someone in the household who enjoys gardening 


  • Hopefully it's something simple to correct. Take it easy in the garden, no digging potatoes! 

    Stuart x 

  • Well, the problem is my bone marrow is failing, I can't do anything about it and try to avoid infection although normal bugs in my mouth can multiply without the much needed neutrophils.

    I'm going to the garden now to relieve stress. Sal, I wish I lived beside you because I would help. Norberry, I'm certainly on the radar, any infection starts I have been given an emergency number to ring. Stuart, unfortunately it's not that easy to fix, I have been told I can't have a bone marrow transplant because there are things against me-my age and my general health like heart. I realise you're not a gardener, at least not a vegetable grower. It's not the time of year to dig potatoes, that's from late June onwards, now is the best time to sow early varieties. Maincrop potatoes are from April so rest easy, I do appreciate your concern though, thank you.

    Take care everyone and stay safe

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • I appreciate your kind thoughts re my garden, I wouldn't want you out there this afternoon, its too cold here in Sheffield. Even the dogs don't want to stay out long. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Salis

    I did my nursing training in Sheffield, absolutely loved it. We lived in Walkley, such a friendly place.

    Tvman I’m sorry you’ve got this hanging over you & hope the gardening was therapeutic, sending love & big hugs xx

  • Oh my goodness what a rollercoaster this is!

    So pleased with your news Norberry. Just what you need to hear!

    But Tvman sorry you are getting such a horrible time!

    I’m sending hugs and best wishes to everybody xxxxxx


  • Thanks . I'm feeling good but very tired and a spell in my plot hurts but I'm a survivor although just right now I feel vulnerable because I realise that my bone marrow is failing slowly.


    Love life and family.
  • Hi Tvman, I am so sorry your results aren't the ones you (& us) were hoping for! If you feel tired your body is telling youto rest, so siteith your feet up! Oh I know it won't come naturally but practise makes perfect!  Sal, I wish I had someone to help with the garden too! I do try my best but it is just not good enough and I love my gardèn. I was out filling a beautiful bespoke birdfeeder with nuts earlier and the wind would have cut you in two, it was so cold!

    Tvman I'm sure your good lady will lend a hand as always, you could be her foreman! Why not try to make a Therapy Room, like Tinalay where you can rest and meditate. You might evenenjoy it. It sounds like your Team are on the ball, so they may come up with a plan you haven't thought of! Good luck! We are all here for you!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!