Gardens and gardening 2021

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I love it when the first signs of Spring are appearing. This, apart from tête a tête daffodils, the lovely star daffodil below is my first one in the garden this year, and before St. David's Day! And a beautiful, almost cloudless, sunny day yesterday.

Take care and stay safe everyone

Tvman xx


    Oliver in the garden with daffodils coming through xxx


  • Oliver looks like he's got a grey chin just like our little Reggie.

    I've sown some vegetable seeds today. Fingers crossed. 

    Stuart x 

  • Blimey, that looks like a commercial exercise. Who is going to be doing the thinning out and other horticultural necessities? Turn it into a sandpit for Reggie and get down the supermarket.! After that you can do a bit of quiet boating on your lake.

  • I expect that the magpies will do the thinning out and the slugs will be taking on the harvesting. 

  • Nice one Stuart, I am sure there will be something left. The nice muddy plants that nothing else can eat. Is this a compromise so as you can keep your lawn?

  • No, not really. I put the planter in a couple of years ago and we've never really used it for much, so I thought I'd try my hand at growing some veg. I'll have a lot more time this year, having given up work in November. It gives me something to tinker with Slight smile

  • I am laughing out of envy really. Our garden has everything but one big problem .. Sherpa Tenzing would have trouble getting up and down it. Truthfully some of it is one in one steep.

    If I wasn't knackered we would be growing something, beer plants probably! Anyway in a month or two it will be someone else's problem.

    Hopefully they will be wearing the same rose tinted glasses I was wearing when we  bought this place.

  • Lovely dog  and the daffodils are a lovely sign of Spring


    Love life and family.
  • Good luck with the veg growing Stuart, that's my forté. I've been growing veg for 35 years now and won hundreds of prizes showing them. 

    Last year I made some raised beds ready for a 25ft X 14ft polytunnel to be assembled in May which will be painful. I have space between the beds for a wheelchair and they're quite high.

    Yesterday I had to put up chicken wire surrounds around each one because for the first time ever since we have been living there I had a rabbit in a couple of the beds. Luckily it didn't cause too much of a problem, mainly a few onion sets had to be replanted. 

    Today I sowed tomatoes, aubergines, cucumbers and sweet peppers in a seed tray to eventually go in my greenhouse about the end of April. Before my cancer and back issues I had the polytunnel, greenhouse and 22 raised beds (only about 9 inches each one). Along with the small orchard and fruit bushes I was kept busy. I had 22 different varieties of potatoes one year which was interesting. So when my spinal stenosis hit they had to be ploughed over.

    I've only my plot in the garden now, it's all I can manage. It's the construction of the beds that's the problem now, crawling around in the mud wasn't the most enjoyable experience. 

    I'll put a few photos in tomorrow. Last year my wife and I made Woody the scarecrow. He's in the garage now and I have to admit that a few times when I opened the back door my heart missed a beat Joy This is Woody and Mrs Tvman below. He's about 7ft+.


    Love life and family.
  • Thanks Tvman, love the scarecrow. Were looking at some simple netting to keep the birds off.

    Stuart x