Gardens and gardening 2021

  • 253 replies
  • 52 subscribers

I love it when the first signs of Spring are appearing. This, apart from tête a tête daffodils, the lovely star daffodil below is my first one in the garden this year, and before St. David's Day! And a beautiful, almost cloudless, sunny day yesterday.

Take care and stay safe everyone

Tvman xx

  • I've just had a quick look, Amazon do some nice looking ones. Just type in 'indoor, or self contained water features' and away you go. I think 20 squids will get you something that does the job.

  • Our came from 'World of Water' they have centres dotted around and do deliver. 

  •  here's the wild bit at the bottom of the garden. In a couple of months this will all be overgrown with nettles and thistles, and it won't get cut until winter.

    And I'll continually struggle to keep the seeds out of the lawn Joy

    Stuart x 

  • Bit of Agent Orange sprayed on it and no seeds for a long time!

  • I suspect that glyphosate has something to do with why I'm here.

    Still, 'thou shalt not suffer a weed to live' has always been my motto Joy

    Stuart x

  • Well glad to see there is a wildlife area, and tracking down the seeds is going to keep you busy along with all that mowing. Herons, prehistoric things? Whats wrong with that? They have to eat too. Nature red in tooth and claw and all that, but no species more red in tooth and claw than us humans. Ignore Norbery with his chemical warfare and shotgun suggestions!

  • No idea why that posted twice - apologies, and for missing an "r" in Norberry.

  • I have a range of weapons for those things that come into my garden uninvited

    Lethal, bloody hell that hurt and ouch, what was that.

    I am not going to say what is in what category but you wouldn't want to be anything that fancies interfering with my birds nesting in a month or twos time!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry

    Thanks  had a quick look on Amazon, so many to choose from so I think when it comes to water features I’m going to wait until I can go into a garden centre. I just can’t imagine how they would look or sound in real life. Amazed at the price! xx

  • Hi everyone, just want to say that this thread is for lovers of gardens and gardening, not for people spouting off that they want to kill every little green shoots in sight. Wild areas are fine, I have a wild flower area in my garden. Just think of the arts and craft thread, would anyone seriously spout off that something that someone paints or makes and get great enjoyment out of it, is rubbish, a waste of time especially when they are suffering from an incurable cancer? 

    Or all crosswords and jigsaws should be burned or destroyed even if completed by a cancer sufferer? This thread is for people who get great satisfaction from growing from seed, transplanting and generally enjoying a garden, big or small. Remember too that a weed is simply a plant in the wrong place. 

    So no Agent Orange folks. Lawns that are kept in pristine condition are result of a great knowledge and passion.

    I have a photo below that shows my first growth of young garlic plants and shallots that were planted in October and cared for through the winter months. They should put on strong growth now we are gently slipping into spring. In fact I can't show it because I don't have an image button! 

    Need to contact admin again. I'll post this then try again.

    Tvman x

    Love life and family.