Gardens and gardening 2021

  • 253 replies
  • 52 subscribers

I love it when the first signs of Spring are appearing. This, apart from tête a tête daffodils, the lovely star daffodil below is my first one in the garden this year, and before St. David's Day! And a beautiful, almost cloudless, sunny day yesterday.

Take care and stay safe everyone

Tvman xx

  • How can anyone fault your lawn procedures Stuart. . Monty Don should be learning from you. Where we used to live in Epsom, I cut my lawn on Christmas day once!

  • Ownedbystaffies will have admonished you whatever your answer Stuart. If she doesn't see your lawn as a thing of beauty then words will have to be exchanged. Bloody insects can go somewhere else to live.

  • Real gardeners like Monty can't stand us lawn nuts. Too much land wasted on a single plant. 

  • Lawns, things of beauty, really? Green deserts devoid of life - but dont let my opinion sway you! If the cutting and striping, and scarifying and being proud does it for you - well so be it. I would suggest Debbie hives off a bit of it now and tries out letting it grow away from your machinations ( or is that machines). Wink

  • I said there would be trouble from OBS. Its because she can't understand the power that we have at our disposal

    I love revving my machinery and watching all the small mammals and bugs scuttling off. Only joking. A bit.

  • No, it's all mine, for a little while longer Joy

    First cut today.

    Stuart x

  • Impressive, get another one in next week if the weather holds. Should be able to snip anything thats not grass from taking root, especially wild flowers.. Green green grass of home.. a nice lawn gets me like that everytime..

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry

    I’ve never looked at the gardening thread before, I’m very late to the garden party, but lockdown changed all that & l love, love love it!

    Is this the place to ask about water features? No fish or heron, Sula wouldn’t like that but I’d appreciate any ideas xx

  • Hi 

    This is certainly the place to ask about water features. I guess that you're wanting to put in something small with constant running water that's emanating from the top of a small rocky outcrop or a figure holding a watering can.or similar rather than a small pond for critters. 

    The good news for lovers of the fomerr is that you don't need to get an electrician in to wire up a pump to the mains is that pumps are now mostly solar powered which makes life a lot more simple and straightforward for anyone to install. 

    Another little task to add to the slowly increasing list for your dedicated and much admired OH?

    Take care and stay safe Tinalay.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hello Tina, we bought one to go in our conservatory. About three feet high. Three levels, little jugs pouring water to the next level. Just plug it in. Have a look online. X