Gardens and gardening 2021

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I love it when the first signs of Spring are appearing. This, apart from tête a tête daffodils, the lovely star daffodil below is my first one in the garden this year, and before St. David's Day! And a beautiful, almost cloudless, sunny day yesterday.

Take care and stay safe everyone

Tvman xx

  • I hope you don’t mind me sharing this picture, as it’s not my garden, but the field behind my house. My favourite tree. The place I like to come and sit, and get my thoughts together. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Thats a fairy ring, SiTs favourite! 

  • Hi 

    Of course we don't mind Chelle

    That is one serious tree. I'm spoiled in that respect, we have a few serious trees in the fields surrounding my house and I too love to go and take time to spend and relax and lose myself in the surroundings. Wouldn't it be great to have a circular seat right the way round the trunk?

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi everyone, gardeners and non gardeners,

    I haven't been on much recently, 10 days in hospital with a chest infection that had no symptoms and an incredible jerking problem that means I've thrown countless cups of tea and coffee over myself and the floor, I'm neutropenic every few days also, had to be put in a side ward after day 6 because of neutropenia. 

    I have to share with you all a photo of our rose, silver anniversary that we bought 38 years ago. As you can see it's doing wonderfully, such a show of blooms and in the background looking out is our soft coated Wheaten Terrier, Conan, who is possibly looking at either me or enjoying the blooms however I would hazard a guess it's the former.

    Take care everyone and stay safe

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Beautiful rose and doggy Tvman. Hope you can get back out there soon.

    We had a harvest yesterday. We've already had so much spinach that we're damn near living off the stuff!


    Much love,

    Stuart x

  • Lovely picture tvman and a lovely story to the rose it always amazes me how things come back year after year great to have you back and posting again xxxxxxx

  • Beautiful. I love roses.

    so good you are home now xx


  • Hi Stuart 

    A lovely selection of produce, yes, spinach is one of those crops that keeps on giving! Along with runner beans, cut and come again lettuce. It's easy to oversow carrots and if you don't thin out when small then you have intertwined, almost unusable blocks of carrots with spindly roots emerging. Hard to peel too!

    I must put a little display on show myself. I've no giant cabbages this year, one single cabbage was used for four consecutive meals. I have sown just a few small cabbages this year, little hispis. 

    I've been just as busy in the garden and the plot although of course Mrs Tvman and I constructed the raised beds and the wide paths for my wheelchair. I'm not restricted to the wheelchair at home yet Frowning2but the way things are going-neutropenic sepsis, neutropenia- I'm maybe starting to venture down a different path soon Frowning2

    Take care everyone and stay safe

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Tvman, Ruth & everyone, I love roses too and they are exquisite! My mum used to have a rose garden and when we got married & bought our own house, I took a cutting of one of her roses (she had died of stomach cancer by then) with my dad's blessing. Years later we moved to Leighton Buzzard and again a cutting came with us, then again when we moved to our present house (40years ago). It is still beautiful and when we get home from Scarborough, if there are any roses still flowering, I will take a photo and post it here. As you can imagine, it is a Very Special Rose to me!

    Hope you are well on the mend Tvman, no more frights please!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!