Hello again.

  • 90 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Hello folks. So sorry for another absence from the site for reasons along the same lines as   I have been watching from the sidelines though and have had some good laughs and more than a few tears along the way.

I'm sorry to hear about your latest brain CT  and wish you the very best of luck with your treatment. Sounds like you're in groundbreaking territory and you're the right man for the job.

I thought I was doing ok on a reduced dose of chemo, but the blood & urine tests showed an infection which spread to my kidneys. I was really suffering with sciatica and then developed weakness and loss of control of my bladder and legs and ended up being admitted for an emergency spine MRI. The 1st scan showed that the spinal cord itself wasn't being compressed, phew, but flagged up another concern and a second scan.

The second scan shows leptomeningeal carcinomatosis, meaning the cancer has spread to the lining of the brain and spinal cord. It's rare, complicated and the prognosis is 4-6 weeks without treatment, 2-6 months with. The original brain tumour and bone tumours are all growing and the cancer markers have been climbing steadily since November.

Any treatment is to preserve mobility and manage pain but is high risk.

So I'm home on high dose steroids until the MDT meeting next week to see if radiotherapy is an option.There's 1 type of chemo on offer, again if the potential benefits outweigh the risks. It's my call, if I feel I can cope with more cancer treatment they'll try Eribulin providing the steroids keep things stable during the next 2 weeks.

 it was a lovely boost to read your good news, thank you for sharing that, I'm delighted for you.

I've got some catching up to do and hope to have an uneventful couple of weeks to get there! xx

  • Astounded, astonished and really upset for you. Useless waste of space.

  • I do understand how you felt when your plans were ruined. We do have a similar journey l I feel like my working life is very behind me now. But miss the people contact.

    yes the NHS refused to fund my tablets x


  • I had a useless doctor and a useless urologist as well!

    Went to the docs with all the classic signs of prostate cancer although I didn't know that. He was quite old, didn't fancy doing the unpleasant tests so said its an age thing, let's wait and see. A couple of months later, nothing was working at all, so back to him. I said I have private health cover, can I see someone? He agreed. Of course much too late to help .

    All family upset and googling like mad and expecting me to die the next day.

    Then off to see the urologist for a TURP. He gets the results and said, no worries, you have prostate cancer but a few zaps with radiotherapy and it will go.

    Family over the moon, all crying ceased and normal service resumed.

    Then the urologist organises a bone scan. Of course all bad news and more tears sqeezed out of my family.

    Good news is that I have life membership here, bad news is that you all have to read posts and work out the quickest and politest way to shut me up.

    What a xxxxxxx game.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry


    Methinks NOT!!!

    & Life Membership? Gonna say there HAS to be a catch... Hahahaha!!!!

  • Good thing for us guys is that life membership is not a huge commitment Wink

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Galilee

    just wondering if there is such a thing as "AfterLife" membership...

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    If so, imagine the dd commitment on THAT!!!

  • I did think I might get   " you poor old thing" .........  ,just the one you know, to recognise my bravery.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry

    Aaaahhh Norbsipoos.... You old thing...

    How's that?

    Afraid you're gonna have to settle for 3/4, which is not too shabby under the circumstances, especially as I'm not well you know...

  • Sod you lot, you will see the difference in sympathy and empathy when my lady friends have finished their household duties and see my post. There will be offers of cake, cookies, alcohol and leading on from that more Special Offers! You will see.

    I've had the roller cleaned in anticipation. Yus, my Lady?