Hello again.

  • 90 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Hello folks. So sorry for another absence from the site for reasons along the same lines as   I have been watching from the sidelines though and have had some good laughs and more than a few tears along the way.

I'm sorry to hear about your latest brain CT  and wish you the very best of luck with your treatment. Sounds like you're in groundbreaking territory and you're the right man for the job.

I thought I was doing ok on a reduced dose of chemo, but the blood & urine tests showed an infection which spread to my kidneys. I was really suffering with sciatica and then developed weakness and loss of control of my bladder and legs and ended up being admitted for an emergency spine MRI. The 1st scan showed that the spinal cord itself wasn't being compressed, phew, but flagged up another concern and a second scan.

The second scan shows leptomeningeal carcinomatosis, meaning the cancer has spread to the lining of the brain and spinal cord. It's rare, complicated and the prognosis is 4-6 weeks without treatment, 2-6 months with. The original brain tumour and bone tumours are all growing and the cancer markers have been climbing steadily since November.

Any treatment is to preserve mobility and manage pain but is high risk.

So I'm home on high dose steroids until the MDT meeting next week to see if radiotherapy is an option.There's 1 type of chemo on offer, again if the potential benefits outweigh the risks. It's my call, if I feel I can cope with more cancer treatment they'll try Eribulin providing the steroids keep things stable during the next 2 weeks.

 it was a lovely boost to read your good news, thank you for sharing that, I'm delighted for you.

I've got some catching up to do and hope to have an uneventful couple of weeks to get there! xx

  • Hi Tinalay, What a shame you are back in hospital. I'm sure when your mental clarity is so good, you will keep the professionals right as to what's what! I will be in touch!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • I hope they can get that sortet fast and you can be home and in comfort...hugs

  • Hi,

    Sounds like your OH is good and good you have clarity of mind now. I have dural mets and one in my pelvis and still seem to be able to think ok. I have a MRI on Monday to see how things are I will not be having any more radiotherapy 

    Hope you are out of hospital soon.xx


  • Good Morning,

    I hope that your treatment has been sorted.  and you are feeling as well as you can.  It is good that you have your other half there to support you.  Is he allowed to visit you in the hospital?

    Sending love and hugs,

    Gragon xx

  • Oh , you need one of those driverless small trains from your house to the emergency admission unit or a programmable driverless car with the hospital's postcode.

    Mental clarity is wonderful and if it's caused by the steroids, I want to know what they are. If you have the option of the steroids or urgent radiotherapy, you insist you get what you want. 

    Good luck Tinalay with whichever treatment you get. 

    Take care and stay safe

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • I had an accident in bed recently too, everything had to be washed, my OH was very matter of fact about it as well, makes it so much easier to deal with.

    Good luck with whatever treatment you decide upon. 

    Sal x


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Salis

    Just seen my Consultant, who says the future is very uncertain. Feels that radiotherapy was the right risk at the right time for pain relief but is unlikely to change the course of progression. Doesn’t think there is anything left on the table because the lining of the whole of my brain & spinal cord are affected so almost impossible to target.

    Priority is palliative care and making a few changes at home so I can go home in a day or two.

    It’s hard to hear from the horses mouth but my family all feel it’s better to have as much info as possible. We have time to make some plans so that’s a blessing.

    I’m keeping my 64th birthday on 30th Nov as my initial goal...

    Spoke to my brother yesterday,  chemo hasn’t shrunk his tumour as hoped, so he’s now moved to the top of the emergency list, surgery is his only chance. 
    Thanks to everyone who’s posting on the various threads, I am really enjoying your company and the photos day & night. xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear TinaLay

    We can only hope for the best as we plan for the inevitable... Nov 30 sounds like a good initial target - mine is much the same hoping I can get to my sisters Spanish holiday home late summer... We'll see

    I want you to know that I also very much enjoy your company and posts so I am relying on you to hang on in there!!! And as many photos of Stanley as you can please for our virtual cuddles...

    Much Love & Stay Strong


  • Oh as a friend it's difficult to take this in. Try to get the best of everything to make yourself comfortable. You're one in a million. Give my best wishes to your brother. Have you been able to speak to your twin yet?

    Tvman Tinalay as

    Love life and family.
  • I want to see a picture of all your 64th birthday cards and you and your brother holding a glass of something expensive. Can't think of anything useful to say, thats my MO. Xxxxxxx