Targeted: The truth about disability.

  • 16 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Hi everyone

I've just watched a programme about some disabled people going through hell because they're being treated abysmally by able bodied people. Kicked pushed around, threatened, having things thrown at their houses and more, much, much more. 

I don't know how many of my friends here know, but I am a wheelchair user. I have a horrendously sore back due to 2 slipped discs and degeneration of my lower spine as well as a couple of other problems. I was fine until 6 months after my incurable cancer diagnosis and I began to get pains in my left leg. 

I think if people treated me in such a way then I would find it hard to carry on. I can't believe people could be so callous and cruel, calling others freaks and worse. I have had a couple of incidents on buses where I have received, well, unexpected treatment and each case was by a bus driver. Once in Peterborough and once in Belfast. 

In Northern Ireland where I live, anyone with cancer is classed as disabled. I believe in GB it's only people with "serious cancers"  that are classed as disabled. Can you imagine if any of you were abused etc because you have cancer? Let's hope that never materialises. The programme brought me to tears. 

Sorry, I had to write this

Take care and stay safe everyone.

Tvman xx

  • FormerMember

    It is a horrible fact that people pick on somebody worse off or different than themselves.  The only way to stop it is for the rest of us to stand  against it and the first step in that process is to make known the fact it is happening.

    I feel for you with your back - I have denervation in mine otherwise I can’t get out of bed because of the pain.  I was shocked you had bus drivers being anything other than helpful- I have not come across this in all my years of commuting into London or on London transport.  They have all been great.  I have had members of the public trying to get in my face when I have asked for a seat on the train but usually people got up for me.  I have had people push me when I’m standing in a queue leaning on my stick but fear of falling made me far more vocal than I normally would have bothered to be, which made them back off.

  • Yes that's horrible..when we was kids we did learn to respect the elder and also disabled people...but today it's not a thing anymore...and it is not the kids fault!! I had a few things happen with my little sister who got epilepsy , and if she had a fit in the outside world..people have been cruel!! But i am with MazLC on this, we need to speak up. And it's not only disabled ppl, also just ppl who are different in any way!! So sad..and it makes me angry.

    Big hug to you

  • Good post Tvman. We didn't watch the programme, my wife has MS and gets easily upset at peoples bad behaviour. I make a lot of noise if I see anything like that going on. I can't fight but I certainly sound like I can.

    If you can stand up against it, thats great, if not it is encumbent on others to do so.

  • It makes me angry that people can be so horrible.

    I used to take my mother out in a wheelchair and everyone was really kind and nice opening doors etc.

    there are nice people in the world xx


  • The programmes have been shocking in terms of showing callousness and a large degree of stupidity on the part of many people. I agree, we should all stand up for someone if we see something bad happening, but we need to also look at the wider picture. The last decade has seen an assault on social security and the narrative has been driven by politicians and the tabloids, that disabled people are faking it and milking the system. And those stories and words have effects. I would personally would not even buy  the Daily Mail to line a cat litter tray, because it is a toxic and lying rag. But sadly, thats where many people get their news from along with the cesspit that is some social media. Kindness has been downgraded in our society, including on reality tv shows. We each can make a difference, but we need to whole of society to wake up and see what has been sold to us is often a lie. I could go on but would turn into a sweary rant, and I am trying to practise what I preach.

  • That is close to a right sweary rant Staffy lady but completely in order. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tvman,

    Yes it's sad you have to write this but unfortunately we live in a  world where some people find this behaviour acceptable, what makes me angry is social media where these acts of cruelty gets thousands of so called hits.

    I was brought up to show respect to people and I hope I brought my children up the same way, unfortunately we are not all the same, in todays society we tend to turn away as I have heard many times "I DON'T WANT TO GET INVOLVED IT'S GOT NOTHING TO DO WITH ME". Until we all change sadly nothing will change.

    But we must remember it's still a beautiful worldEarth africa, it just has some undesirables in it.


  • Hi, Owned by Staffies, I couldn't agree more! These days everyone who uses a stick doesn't need it though! I've seen them at airports getting "assistance" to the plane in wheelchairs. Then when you arrive at your destination they fold their sticks and PUSH past you to be first off the plane! It's happened more than once, there have been 4 needing assistance plus me and my husband with my wheelchair on the outward journey then when we arrive, there are 4 assistants with wheelchairs waiting to help passengers who have asked for assistance and just my husband & I waiting for my own wheelchair to come from the hold. Everyone else has 'done a runner' literally! No wonder people think we are faking it.

    We should be angry at these people as unfortunately we are all classed the same in  other people's eyes! Has any wheelchair user noticed if you stop to tàlk to people, they dont look at you but talk directly to the person assisting you? Aaagh don't get me started!  These newspapers dont help but i don't think they are fully to blame either!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    I was gobsmacked on an assisted flight to see a woman force her very disabled husband to walk instead of waiting for the help when we got off the plane in the UK on the return leg.  We passed them in the queue and he really was struggling- I felt so sorry for him.  My boys took their seats in the buggy when they refused the help - ridiculous woman.  My boys would normally walk alongside the wheel chair or buggy.  I have assistance at both ends as I can’t walk the distance without having to stop 4 or 5 times to sit down cos of my lung disease, and now of course it would be my cancer.

  • Hi MazLC  Yes I have witnessed that too, it is shocking and the thing is when you get to the luggage collection you always hàve to wzit, so I cant see why the rush! I use a combination of elbow crutches and wheelchair and more than once on the way to get my wheelchair, I've had the crutch almost kicked from under me by someone in a hurray trying to get past. My normally pleasant husband just looses it with them and purposely walks beside me so theres mo room to pass!

    Bye the way MazLC and Nicky Nosher, I was trying to send you both a PM earlier but it still won't work, so I'm not ignoring you!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!