Targeted: The truth about disability.

  • 16 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Hi everyone

I've just watched a programme about some disabled people going through hell because they're being treated abysmally by able bodied people. Kicked pushed around, threatened, having things thrown at their houses and more, much, much more. 

I don't know how many of my friends here know, but I am a wheelchair user. I have a horrendously sore back due to 2 slipped discs and degeneration of my lower spine as well as a couple of other problems. I was fine until 6 months after my incurable cancer diagnosis and I began to get pains in my left leg. 

I think if people treated me in such a way then I would find it hard to carry on. I can't believe people could be so callous and cruel, calling others freaks and worse. I have had a couple of incidents on buses where I have received, well, unexpected treatment and each case was by a bus driver. Once in Peterborough and once in Belfast. 

In Northern Ireland where I live, anyone with cancer is classed as disabled. I believe in GB it's only people with "serious cancers"  that are classed as disabled. Can you imagine if any of you were abused etc because you have cancer? Let's hope that never materialises. The programme brought me to tears. 

Sorry, I had to write this

Take care and stay safe everyone.

Tvman xx

  • I didn't know how to respond to this, but then I thought of Still I rise by Maya Angelou

    I hope the link works


  • Totally agree, society has become self centered, thankfully there are some good people around.

    Once on holiday my daughter needed a wheelchair, we had borrowed one from red cross, arriving in Malta we discovered that some kind soul had given her wheelchair to an old woman who was struggling, took days before we gad it back, we were extremely limited during that period. 

  • Hi Salis.YES IT DID WORK.   


    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • I was on holiday a couple of years ago and on our return journey our departure gate was changed.  It was a long walk from one gate to the other and even though I had my stick I was really struggling.  One of the little golf buggies, driven by two young men, came whizzing past me as I struggled along.  It was the type of buggy that they use to assist disabled people.  About 30 meters ahead of me it screeched to a halt next to two young attractive women and with much attention the driver and his friend jumped off the cart, talked briefly to the women, put their little cases on the buggy before helping the young women onto the seat and driving off.

    I was spitting bricks.  Having said that, if I was in my twenties again I would probably have done exactly the same thing without a twinge of conscience.

    Oh to be young (and fit) again.

    Gragon x

  • Hi 

    Good to see you back mate. Any time I think about a buggy in the airport, I smile. That's because 3 or 4 years ago a buggy turned up at the assistance area to take an old lady and me to the gate in Stansted Airport The buggies as you know only take 2 people in the back and two in the front who were to assist me and my wife who was with me also. My wife and an elderly lady were helped in and there I was, looking at the driver and assistant and they looking at me.

    I think the buggy had arrived to convey me and my wife but the elderly lady climbed in first. I had a light bulb moment and I said to the driver that I would hold on to the back (I was in my wheelchair). He wasn't entirely sure about that but he didn't have the heart to get the old lady off so he and his assistant climbed in, I held on and he headed off, slowly at first, then once he realised I was fine he went up the gears to the maximum speed of 6mph and to much amazement, smiling faces and pointing fingers, we made our way to the departure gate. 

    After all had disembarked, I smiled at the driver and assistant and said to them "Don't worry lads, that never happened!"; Slight smile

    Take care Gragon and stay safe


    Love life and family.
  • They would be sacked now, wish I'd seen that, probably still being talked about!