Cancelled again

  • 42 replies
  • 49 subscribers

I cannot say what was removed but I am pretty sure Tvman and Tinalay are in trouble as well. 

  • Hi everyone, 

    Thanks for your comments. I'm sorry to read that moderation action taken by the team has caused upset. This is never our intention and our guidelines are there to help keep the Community safe and supportive. The Community team are always working with the best intentions and aim to support all of our members as best we can. 

    Of course, humour is more than welcome on the site and we understand that everyone has their own sense of what is funny. We also recognise that this is often used in way of light relief and we do not wish to discourage this. We only ask that members are mindful of what they are posting as others might not always interpret their comments how they are meant. 

    We always encourage members to share their experiences and support eachother, and it's something we know this group does incredibly well. We are not here to censor anyone, or to stop members from supporting one another and please know this is absolutely not our intention here.

    The team will moderate based on guidelines and reports made to us (either by using the flag to moderator button, or by email) and we use take each report on a case by case basis. If anyone would like to discuss this further then please don't hesitate to email us on

    I hope you understand that this action has not been taken with the intention to upset anyone, or to cause distress, but rather with a genuine desire to keep the site the supportive space that we know it is. 

    Best wishes,

    Macmillan Community Team

    Best wishes,

    Macmillan Community Team

  • Hello,

    You are well on your way to destroy the mood on here. An apology is in order to Norberry and SIT and whomever else you felt needed your undeserved reprimand. We are all dying adults here not kids in a reform school.



  • It is rare now for me to comment. 

    In fact I have not posted in a long time. However I must comment. The wonderful contributors in this group get by with the support of each other and it seems you have taken away their free speech.

    They are not malicious or bullies and are entitled to an opinion which most often than not is based on personal experience. So we'll done for kicking someone when they are down and expressing themselves. Not everything is rose coloured. To the members who have held each other up, made each other laugh and cry the over whelming thing here is the support they give each other..

    Keep on posting because you all make a difference.

    For the record moderators take note if a post is unliked then just don't read it again. Like a TV programme you hate there is an off switch. 

    I have a feeling your reply has offended far more people than the post in question itself.

    I don't want to contribute to this group anymore as I feel like I cannot be me

    To the regulars you are all an inspiration 


  • Hi Gang, IamLyn nice to see you post again but sorry about the circumstances!

    I just wanted to say that after the year we had last year and the heavy losses in this particular group I was just starting to feel we were getting back to posting again regularly, like it used to be ....AND NOW THIS!!

    I am so very upset! NOTHING much offends me! I admit I don't like swearing but people use ***. Or ### or the like and don't write the word out. Let me say I am not a prude, I just don't like it but I know some people find it a way of expressing themselves. People have the choice whether to read posts or not, I'm sure they have their own guidelines!


    I can hardly see for the tears now, I'm so upset by all this conflict!!


    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    I feel the same . The group were just starting to recover from a truly awful year and there's been a great mixture of posts and characters. I feel side blinded by the events of the last few days and have been stressed and tearful. There's so much to be stressed about at the moment, this shouldn't be one of them. 


  • Being a new member of the group, i have been so happy to find people in a similar place to me being able to make light of the lemons, enjoy life and each other, bouncing off one another's comments.

    It is so much harder to do when you have to be so vigilant in self censorship. Several times I gave had to go back and reword or delete comments because I don't want another slapped wrist. 


  • You are right Salis. I am similar to you except I go back and add more comments,

    You have to make the moderators earn their money.

    Due to expected overcrowding on the naughty step, SiT is due to launch a review into its sustainability. Due to last weeks efforts by the moderators the step looks in danger of being overwhelmed.

    As soon as SiT is returned to us we will get more of an of idea of his plans.

  • Hi 

    Are you on the naughty step too, we need an extension, I'll stop doing the bird feeders and start knocking up an extension.


    Love life and family.
  • I'm sure the birds need the feeders, we have plenty of snow here, and the birds are singing in the garden. But I'm happy to be invited to join the naughty step with lovely people like you x


  • OK, SiT is back. Now for the good news.

    I have been party to some of SiTs plans for the naughty step upgrade. He will fill in the details later.

    The new naughty step will be bigger as we need to build in future proofing.

    It will also be adjacent to the current step.

    It will be in the manner of a club with banquette seating and of course a revised bar. ( more subsidisation )

    I have pointed out to SiT than some of his plans may be controversial.

    It will be women only. This because as us chaps know, women are fragrant and well mannered and need the minimum of supervision which Tvman will provide.

    Of course this also takes care of the washing up, hoovering and associated duties.

    The old step will be for the chaps.

    The rules will be enforced by the Executive  : 

    Annette (Matron) Anndanv.

    Tina ( prefect) Lay.

    Sit will cook, I mean check the books

    I will be on the door checking membership and the dress code. Some further difficulties expected in this area.

    OK SiT, I think you will find general support for your plan, please fill in the minutae when you have finished your discussions with the planners.