I'm new to the group

  • 37 replies
  • 48 subscribers


Thank you for letting me join your group, it is lovely to see that some people manage to be active members for much longer than expected!

I am currently on my second cycle of chemo, I originally expected to have 3 cycles, but they decided they needed a new baseline because of the delay between original CT and starting treatment (71 days) so now I'll be having 4 cycles before review.

I find the two hardest things so far are

  1. the physical isolation from my friends and family due to the pandemic.
  2. the short fuse I have developed; I was trying out a new skill the other day, it wasn't going well and I totally lost my rag which is not usual for me.

Best wishes 


  • Everyone on here is hoping to go into remission just to get away from SiT.

  • Please some normal people, introduce yourselves to Salis.

  • Does upvoting do anything, other than perhaps massaging the poster's ego


  • FormerMember

    Welcome  & good for you for turning losing your rag into something positive. I prefer to call this group the “Incredibles” There’s always someone to talk to whether you’re looking for advice, a bit of moral support or just need to get something off your chest. And sometimes when you just need a good laugh.

    The physical isolation is heartbreaking just at a time when you need your family & friends the most. Perhaps part of the short fuse is frustration. I had a look at your profile and it sounds like you’re used to being very active and that’s a great mood stabiliser too.

    This is tough, we’re all here for you xx

  • There used to be a like button on an older version of this forum. Don't know why that disappeared.  I can just about do the bare basics on here so I am not the one to ask, I am old and technically useless. Someone will know the answer.

  • Hi

    welcome to the group. I think you are about right that upvoting is just about massaging an ego! Not many people seem to use it, but as says, before they "upgraded" this website there was a "like" button whch seemed to be more used. However, since this isnt about egos, who cares? Post what you want, say what you like and it is all fine.

  • Thanks Tinalay, just had a look at your profile, my niece had her baby today, she lives locally so I am hoping to be able to see and hold her sometime.Who knows, I don't live far from Hope! 


  • Thanks ownedbystaffies, my dogs are poodle crosses, in the hopes of not triggering my allergies, I think we didn't pay enough for them, but one you have them what can you do? 


  • Hi Salis

    Welcome to the incurables group, I'd much prefer to have met you elsewhere though. I'd like to think that I'm one of the normal ones to whom Norberry refers. 

    I've been around for some 4 years and have met some lovely people, some of whom have become great friends and I feel their hurt when they become ill. Of course they're ill to start with or they wouldn't be here but sometimes life gets very tough and that's when words of wisdom and comfort are gladly accepted. Knowing that there's someone around with a comforting arm around the shoulders is very welcome.

    Yes, it's tough not being able to visit a poorly relative or friend in the community, but we must obey stringent regulations, they're to protect you and me from a very serious illness. I'm from Northern Ireland and here we have some pretty strong laws to adhere to. I have a blood cancer that puts me in the extremely clinically vulnerable group. My wife works in a school and is at risk of bringing something home to me, a risk now lessened after breaking down in school and being sent home. I've never seen her like that before and we've been married for 41 years. I don't know whether she'll be with me until the vaccine takes us to a safer environment or until she can go back to work.

    Since diagnosis in 2015, I haven't lost it, I'm too busy keeping myself busy in the garden or my man cave of a garage. As someone has said, there is a gardening section and a craft section that I am pleased to say I started, I told my wife that I was going to help people with cancer to be happy! I had a tough time mentally for a while after diagnosis, 4 months later I was diagnosed with a back condition that put me in a wheelchair just a few months later, a way of life that I'll have to endure. 

    So Salis how are you feeling? Are you coping with cancer? (Apart from the little recent incident) How is your chemo affecting you? Pain, sickness? There's a nurse available to talk to if you think you need advice on medical matters as well as an Ask an expert area, just head to the community home page for lots of info. Remember, you're not alone here. 

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you, don't be alone, you have lots of friends here.

    Tvman x

    Love life and family.
  • Hi again Salis

    Sorry, I forgot to mention that there is a group called The Room which is a space where you can have a rant if you feel like doing so.

    Tvman x

    Love life and family.