I'm new to the group

  • 37 replies
  • 48 subscribers


Thank you for letting me join your group, it is lovely to see that some people manage to be active members for much longer than expected!

I am currently on my second cycle of chemo, I originally expected to have 3 cycles, but they decided they needed a new baseline because of the delay between original CT and starting treatment (71 days) so now I'll be having 4 cycles before review.

I find the two hardest things so far are

  1. the physical isolation from my friends and family due to the pandemic.
  2. the short fuse I have developed; I was trying out a new skill the other day, it wasn't going well and I totally lost my rag which is not usual for me.

Best wishes 


  • FormerMember

    Hi Salis 

    Welcome to our little group of "Incorrigibles" - so sorry you got the invitation...

    It's THE place for advice and gentle encouragement or even a bit of a rant on off days & there are plenty of them...

    I don't really know what to advise for the short temperedness other than trying to recognise when it is happening and then trying to step back a pace or two to evaluate whether or not it's actually worth losing your temper - sometimes it just is...

    Stay Strong


  • Hello Salis, welcome to our club.

    I think the isolation is worse for people like us. We do need social interaction, it can break up a miserable moment, or day, or week. At least you can get understanding on this forum, not just to talk about our illness and treatments but how the dog or husband is playing up. It is what you are looking forwards to or what you have enjoyed this year. There is usually something pleasant that you can remember. Loads of people here have talents in gardening, crafts, in fact anything.

    I can't answer about your short fuse, My hormone treatment turns me into a raving maniac from a nice person in 5 seconds flat. 

    You can look forwards to more welcomes I am sure. Best wishes. Xxx

  • Thanks SiT, 

    My little temper tantrum was the impetus to looking around for support, is is nice to find a place where other people are in a similar position. 

    I will try to save losing my temper for more worthy causes in future though Blush


  • Thanks Norberry, 

    so far so good. I'm not a crafter or a gardener, but I'm happy to try things and enjoy looking at other people's stuff.

    I'm looking forward to joining in here 

    Best wishes 



  • You don't have to do anything, just see what people are posting. Its not all misery, there is a fair amount of light heartedness as well.

    You may also see if there is another group that caters for your particular version of the bloody C. Sometimes you can get specific advice from there.

    There are also Macmillan nurses on here that I am sure are very useful.

    Actually I think I have made being very ill sound like a lot of fun! Sorry about that!


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry

    In all honesty Salis, Norbs tends to take his rage out on ME!!! 

    Sometimes it's justified - to be fair, but often it really is not... Just saying' Norbs, just sayin'...



  • I am not well, allowances should be made. I don't have rages, just loss of control.

    Don't make new members think I am not quite right please. Enough said, an apology will suffice. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry


    & for the record - I am NOT well also...

    Apologies are available in tvman's virtual bar and usually found at the bottom of a glass along with all the other answers...

    I think it is important that I refer the honourable gentleman to his earlier remark of "Raving Maniac" and we'll leave it there...

    Caveat Emptor - Salis, please pay no attention to us, I think it's finally getting the better of us... Most, if not all, of the others are really very nice and incredibly supportive/helpful.

    And, of course, we're not well... (In soooo many ways...)

    Stay Strong


  • The chaps have just delivered me back to her indoors  despite her initial refusal to accept me.

    So nice to be back in the bosom of my family.

  • Norberry and SiT, 

    You have made me smile and even laugh out loud, thank you for your kind introduction to the world of the incurables.

    P. S. I always thought I was incurable, but not quite like this xxx
