good results from last CT

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  • 44 subscribers

After being given a incurable stage 4 metatastic cancer diagnosis during lockdown in April 2020. It has come fro a recurrence of breast cancer which I had 10 years ago. It is affecting my lymph glands, lungs and bones. I wa commenced on targeted Palbociclib therapy. My last C.T scan showed  a good response with shrinkage of my lung tumours, so i can eat better as the tumour was pressing on my oesophagus causing an obstruction thus persistent vommitting. I am feeling very good at present and getting minimal side effects from the medication. My main concern now is pain control. I had oromorph but it makes me very drowsy so unable to do any of my hobbies. my G>p gave me codein phosphate instead but again it causesdrowsyness and constipation. I take either  so fae have found this to have some effectof these at night and rely on paracetamol during the day. I was given a TENS machine for Christmas and so far have had some benefit.

  • Great news biddy51. Sounds like generally good news with some nuisance mixed up with it?

    Fingers crossed for future improvement.  Xxxxx

  • Hi Biddy51, I am so pleased you have had good results from your CT scan. Regarding pain, keep asking your Oncology or Pain Team for something to help. I realise most of the painkilling meds make you drowsy but you may find one that doesn't have as much of a sleepy effect  as some others but it is only by trying them you will find the right one for you! A lot also depends on what hobbies you want to be able to do! I have tried a lot of painkilling drugs and have finally found a combination I can deal with.

    Good luck with the Target Therapy, they are terrific and they are becoming more efficient each year with less side effects. I started a Target Therapy drug before it was licensed, it was eventually given a license about 2 years after I started it. It was licensed in 2015 called Dabrafenib and I'm still here! Oh I do hope it works a miracle for you too! That would make it the best New Year yet!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi 

    Welcome to the group that you never expected to join this time a year ago. It must have been quite a shock to get your diagnosis that cancer was back with you after 10 years. I hope you get some pain relief because that's upsetting and is why I am responding at 4am. 

    I'm afraid I don't know what a TENS machine is but hey if you're getting some benefit from it then that's a little good news for you and you'll be able to get back into your hobbies soon. There's a gardening group and just recently I started a craft group so if you have anything to contribute to either then go for it Biddy.

    Good luck in 2021 and your recovery continues well.

    Tvman x

    Love life and family.
  • Hi biddy,

    I have lung liver and base of skull metastases. I take a new drug called ATRA for acc which seems to have stabilised things at the moment.

    I do need pain killers and took codeine phosphate and cocodamol. Which were not strong enough and gave me constipation. I now have slow release  morphine called zomorph and take sachets for the constipation which works well. The palliative care team have helped me with the dose of pain medication. I take  oramorph for breakthrough pain and yes it does send me to sleep but can be helpful on occasions .as well as the zomorph I take paracetamol 4 times a day they said to take it as well as the zomorph as it works differently.

    if you can get a referral to the palliative care team they are very helpful with getting the pain relief right 

    I still manage to function ok and go for walks play the piano cook etc. I always rest in the afternoon but that is not a bad thing I watch a lot of Netflix and tv.

    Love xxx


  • FormerMember

    Morning Good news about your scan and also that your treatment is giving symptomatic relief with minimal side effects.

    Very sorry that you're struggling with pain control, I've had the same problem at different times. I'm now taking zoromorph (slow release morphine) twice a day and oromorph for breakthrough pain. I take regular paracetamol and have been told to take it at the same time as the evening dose of zoromorph as the 2 work well together. I get a lot of pain at night which is very often due to inflammation so I use ice packs or biofreeze gel which works well. Sometimes heat packs work better if the pain is muscular. I've got a TENS machine on loan and was told to get it up to the highest frequency I could tolerate as fast as possible and it does help.

    I hope you'll find a regime that works for you, constant pain is so draining.


  • ...

    After 10 years cancer free, i have now been diagnosed with a recurrence of my reast cancer which has spread to my lungs and bones. This came as a terrible shock as I had no symptoms althogh I have a muscuar dystrophy which was giving me cause for concern. I was eperiencing increased difficulty swallowing and shortness of breath leading to a CT scan which showed a suspicious lesion and further inestigation led to my current diagnosis. I have been commenced on targeted therapy and due to have injections after seeing my dentist for a check up and any necessary treatment. in the current time with corona virus it is not easy to get dental treatment. I have a dental problem needing treatment. I have a loose filling and a break in the same tooth. I managed to get a check up but my dentist cannot perform the relevant treatment. I am currently waiting for a call to determin how I can get the treatment done. 
  • Hi TV Man

    It was a terrible shock to be informed of a recurrence of my cancer after 10 years and been informed of the all clear, however I'm trying to stay positive despite the horrible circumstances as was on my own when given the devistating news. I feld like i'd been dished a death sentance as the surgeon I saw said there was nothing they could do, but refered me urgent to the Christie oncology and the team I saw there were great, very sympathetic and explained what could be done although no cure.

    I knitted this doll and to raise some funds for our local Hospice which I have been getting a lot of help and support, I have not been able to get to the outpatient department as it has been closed to face to face contacts. I've learnt how to do zoom meetings and gained many new friendships, unfortunatly due to lack of funding the outpatients has closed indefinately. I can still get help fromthe team at the hospice, my oncologist and here in this group. What I did was set up a page to name the granny and managed to raise £270 for the hospice. We had a virtual Christmas party and drew the name out of a hat. I've had so much fun on zoom  links, we've done relaxation sessions, quizzes and general chat sessions.

    TENS is short for transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation which is by a mild electric current.

    After 10 years cancer free, i have now been diagnosed with a recurrence of my reast cancer which has spread to my lungs and bones. This came as a terrible shock as I had no symptoms althogh I have a muscuar dystrophy which was giving me cause for concern. I was eperiencing increased difficulty swallowing and shortness of breath leading to a CT scan which showed a suspicious lesion and further inestigation led to my current diagnosis. I have been commenced on targeted therapy and due to have injections after seeing my dentist for a check up and any necessary treatment. in the current time with corona virus it is not easy to get dental treatment. I have a dental problem needing treatment. I have a loose filling and a break in the same tooth. I managed to get a check up but my dentist cannot perform the relevant treatment. I am currently waiting for a call to determin how I can get the treatment done. 
  • Hi Tinalay

    Like you my pain is worse at night, I've got an added problem of muscular dystrophy so unure what is contributing to the pain. I had some hands on physiotherapy at the Neromuscular centre I attend, just before Christmas, which wa very beneficial in keeping my muscles  working as well as possible with the limited ability of going out and aboutdue to lockdowns.

    xx Biddy

    After 10 years cancer free, i have now been diagnosed with a recurrence of my reast cancer which has spread to my lungs and bones. This came as a terrible shock as I had no symptoms althogh I have a muscuar dystrophy which was giving me cause for concern. I was eperiencing increased difficulty swallowing and shortness of breath leading to a CT scan which showed a suspicious lesion and further inestigation led to my current diagnosis. I have been commenced on targeted therapy and due to have injections after seeing my dentist for a check up and any necessary treatment. in the current time with corona virus it is not easy to get dental treatment. I have a dental problem needing treatment. I have a loose filling and a break in the same tooth. I managed to get a check up but my dentist cannot perform the relevant treatment. I am currently waiting for a call to determin how I can get the treatment done. 
  • Hi

    I'm probably beng rather optimistic, but i've got a few things on my bucket list to achieve. I love traveling, but I know travel insurance will be outragious, never the less I have a few cruise destinations i'd like to venture too, also my daughter and grandchildren are hoping to go to Mexico in 2022 and have sugested I go with them and theyll help me get about. 


    After 10 years cancer free, i have now been diagnosed with a recurrence of my reast cancer which has spread to my lungs and bones. This came as a terrible shock as I had no symptoms althogh I have a muscuar dystrophy which was giving me cause for concern. I was eperiencing increased difficulty swallowing and shortness of breath leading to a CT scan which showed a suspicious lesion and further inestigation led to my current diagnosis. I have been commenced on targeted therapy and due to have injections after seeing my dentist for a check up and any necessary treatment. in the current time with corona virus it is not easy to get dental treatment. I have a dental problem needing treatment. I have a loose filling and a break in the same tooth. I managed to get a check up but my dentist cannot perform the relevant treatment. I am currently waiting for a call to determin how I can get the treatment done. 
  • This is another of my hobbies/crafts. I've designed and painted ceramics, Did several mugs for Christmas presents.

    After 10 years cancer free, i have now been diagnosed with a recurrence of my reast cancer which has spread to my lungs and bones. This came as a terrible shock as I had no symptoms althogh I have a muscuar dystrophy which was giving me cause for concern. I was eperiencing increased difficulty swallowing and shortness of breath leading to a CT scan which showed a suspicious lesion and further inestigation led to my current diagnosis. I have been commenced on targeted therapy and due to have injections after seeing my dentist for a check up and any necessary treatment. in the current time with corona virus it is not easy to get dental treatment. I have a dental problem needing treatment. I have a loose filling and a break in the same tooth. I managed to get a check up but my dentist cannot perform the relevant treatment. I am currently waiting for a call to determin how I can get the treatment done.