good results from last CT

  • 16 replies
  • 44 subscribers

After being given a incurable stage 4 metatastic cancer diagnosis during lockdown in April 2020. It has come fro a recurrence of breast cancer which I had 10 years ago. It is affecting my lymph glands, lungs and bones. I wa commenced on targeted Palbociclib therapy. My last C.T scan showed  a good response with shrinkage of my lung tumours, so i can eat better as the tumour was pressing on my oesophagus causing an obstruction thus persistent vommitting. I am feeling very good at present and getting minimal side effects from the medication. My main concern now is pain control. I had oromorph but it makes me very drowsy so unable to do any of my hobbies. my G>p gave me codein phosphate instead but again it causesdrowsyness and constipation. I take either  so fae have found this to have some effectof these at night and rely on paracetamol during the day. I was given a TENS machine for Christmas and so far have had some benefit.

  • Maybe we could do some craft things and donate to Macmillan and have an online craft fayre, 


    After 10 years cancer free, i have now been diagnosed with a recurrence of my reast cancer which has spread to my lungs and bones. This came as a terrible shock as I had no symptoms althogh I have a muscuar dystrophy which was giving me cause for concern. I was eperiencing increased difficulty swallowing and shortness of breath leading to a CT scan which showed a suspicious lesion and further inestigation led to my current diagnosis. I have been commenced on targeted therapy and due to have injections after seeing my dentist for a check up and any necessary treatment. in the current time with corona virus it is not easy to get dental treatment. I have a dental problem needing treatment. I have a loose filling and a break in the same tooth. I managed to get a check up but my dentist cannot perform the relevant treatment. I am currently waiting for a call to determin how I can get the treatment done. 
  • I love designing and painting ceramics. It solved many Christmas present ideas.

    Maybe the Macmillan team could set up a online craft fayre to raise funds.

    We did this at The neuromuscular centre I attend, which is also a charity organisation and we raised a consiferable amount of money


    After 10 years cancer free, i have now been diagnosed with a recurrence of my reast cancer which has spread to my lungs and bones. This came as a terrible shock as I had no symptoms althogh I have a muscuar dystrophy which was giving me cause for concern. I was eperiencing increased difficulty swallowing and shortness of breath leading to a CT scan which showed a suspicious lesion and further inestigation led to my current diagnosis. I have been commenced on targeted therapy and due to have injections after seeing my dentist for a check up and any necessary treatment. in the current time with corona virus it is not easy to get dental treatment. I have a dental problem needing treatment. I have a loose filling and a break in the same tooth. I managed to get a check up but my dentist cannot perform the relevant treatment. I am currently waiting for a call to determin how I can get the treatment done. 
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to biddy51

      your knitted doll is incredible! Not just the knitting but assembling it, I love it!  has started a Crafts thread for all you talented peeps, looking forward to seeing everyone's handiwork.


  • Hi everyone

    I thought the group was lacking something, then after I had made some birds I remembered that there was quite a bit of crocheted and knitted work done by our dear Daloni among others.

    , your knitted doll is wonderful looking, any little pair of hands would love to hold it. Well done you Grinning

    Tvman x

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to biddy51

    Love this doll and your ceramics - a true talent x

  • Wow what a great artist you it!!! Pet