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  • 50 subscribers

I have spent almost 2 hours on and off trying to reply to the current Post. In red it told me I did not have permission to reply to this, so I'm doing it here.


Hi Lynne_1961, DB61 and ALL, Welcome to the Group! Well, I think I am probably one of the group's 'oldest' (as in been here a long time) members. There are quite a few of us around! I was given 5-7 months to live in May 2013 when diagnosed with Malignant Melanoma Stage4. So obviously no one knows when you reach your sell by date! As you see I am well passed mine! The first time I was told I had cancer was the end of 2010 when I had a lesion on my shin, had a biopsy and they found it was 98% cancerous Melanoma. They did a Wide Excision March 2011 (down to the bone) I call it my shark bite, it anyone asks what happened! The surgeon was SURE he had got all the cancer. However while I was still attending his clinic for 6 monthly checks, in November 2012, he found 2 further tumours in my thigh. I had a groin dissection but the PET scan in May showed further mm.

I have defied fate, yet again this year when my oncologist said how important it was for me to self isolate as I have little or no immune system left to fight the COVID-19 virus. I had been at home for longer than 9 weeks then my husband and I became unwell. We got tested and BOTH had positive results for coronavirus. Well, I have some Post Virus Syndrome left over, in the form of Labyrinthitis BUT I'm still here! Never give up! Where there's Life there's Hope!

Every year they are coming up with new drugs and treatment, so odds are the longer we are here the more likelihood they will find something that will work for us!

  • Hi Anndav

    You also give me hope too as I myself was first diagnosed in 2016 I was having problems with my bowels been to my doctor and she like me thought it was just constipation. 

    But on the Sunday 31st of Oct I was taken in to hospital suffering from sickness and pain in my left side as we thought was with really bad blockage .

    But when I got in there and they examined and xrayed me things turned out to be different and from then my life changed for ever , I numerous tests on the Monday and Tuesday they decided to take me for a colonoscooy and it confirmed what  the doctor had originally seen on the xray , by this time I was weak and very tired so I really care what they did but during the colonoscooy I started to bleed and  was taken in for emergency surgery on the same night and that's when it all happened I was told I had bowel cancer and need to have a part of  my bowel removed in order to clear it  up and that I would also need a colostomy bag. 

    The operation went well and he said he had got if all  but needed to do a mop up treatment to make sure so I had chemo for 6 months and had  scan after that to confirm as we all thought it gone so this was good news as they had caught it early so it just left for me to get over my ordeal and try and get back to some sort  of normality which I did I even went back to work but was still having my routine scan. 

    The first one was great still all clear so I was looking forward at this point to have a reversal in my bowel   

    All went accordingly well until I started having chest infections developed a cough and feeling very tired and was told on this scan that unfortunately it had popped up elsewhere in my lungs , but once again said they could operate and get rid of it  .

    The operation went well only had to take a small bit of my lung and I didn't need any mop up treatment this time to just heal and get back to my life again once more this was well into 2018 by then , but during a routine scan they saw some more nodes in my lung but also in other places so arranged  pet scan and when I had the results I was told its now stage 4 and explained where it was and that they couldn't cure it but manageable so I had more chemo but this made me bad by then 2019 all world at started to go mad with this coranavurus so my chemo was stopped for a while because my immune system was really low and that if I caught it I would be really bad .

    Well that's my journey which brings me to now still plodding on I am to say ! But my consultant was not too concerned as it was not growing aggressively,  kept having routine scans and having immunotherapy.

    Sorry about the length of my email but for 5 yrs that's how if as been an on off with my treatment .

    I would love hear about your Journey 

    Take care 


  • Well that depends if you take the guestimate as read. I ddint get one but i would be surprised  if m here at Xmas. I know people who outlived there predictions by Years. Others died before

  • Hi Tony 

    Thanks for replying to me . And I am sure if they are still working alongside of you j would think positive like I do , as they say no news is good news. 

    Are you receiving treatment of any kind ? 

    Take care speak soon 


  • Hi Jimbobs, I've just managed to access the third page of this post and read your reply! I have just replied to "THINKING BACK TO DAY OF DX" so that is a synopsis of how it all started for me.

    I was then put forward for Combo Trial but failed the screening as the MM had moved to my eye. My oncologist then fought on my behalf to find a lad to pay for me to go on a Trial of the one drug in that trial she thought would help! GSK agreed to pay, I was on it for over 3 years, then we decided because of horrendous side effects I would come off the drug in September 3016 and we would "watch & wait" before I tried immunotherapy which was being Trialed at that time!

    We are still watching and waiting! It has truly been a miracle! Never give up!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • St Peter won't have The Matron telling him how to do things so anndanv will be earthbound for plenty of time yet!

    Am I right Annette? Xxxxx

  • Hi Norbs, I'm banking on being a nuisance for a while yet but ONLY if you will join me!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Only the good die young, I do not meet that criteria, so, to the moderators distress, I fancy being here next Xmas too!

    To those who are worrying about their diagnosis ........ if the doctors were right all the time there wouldn't be enough of us on here to have a chat!

    Am I right Matron?

  • Yes. The fact Some of us still here and that surprises us is a pleasant surprise.

    I may even be here to see my first grandchild due in June next year. Poor daughter vomited on her way to work today. I never thought I would get to have a grandchild x


  • That's a complicated first sentence Ruth, bang on though.

    I don't believe in tempting providence so I happily forecast you becoming a granny. 

    That will be some payback for what you have been through. Xxx

  • Yes you are right Doctor.!  Rainie x