Hi Everyone

  • 23 replies
  • 44 subscribers

I hope you are all staying safe and keeping well.

What thoughts do people have on having this vaccine for the virus, if they are offered it,

I have been thinking about it and would like to know how others fill.

Take Care Elliexx

  • Of course it must be a case of choice. If it is made mandatory there will be civil disobedience. 

  • Sorry, that sounded a bit terse, didn't mean for that. 


    Firstly I'd like to say well done Ellie for starting this discussion!! It has been a while since we have had a good debate on here! I would like to know what you think I will say Norberry because as it happens, I am a bit on the fence with this one!

    Having had the coronavirus I would not wish it on anyone, it is horrendous. In fact the first week, I thought I wouldn't have the energy to be able to fight it. My husband, who keeps well normally, was actually "floored" by Italy's and couldn't lift his head off of the pillow!

    The fact is, if I hadn't been willing to try an unlicensed drug, I would not be alive today. So that wouldn't be the reason I didn't take it. Like others have said, I would definitely have a discussion with my oncologist and my GP before I could make an informed decision. Up until I was diagnosed with cancer I didn't have the flu injection but after that our Nurse Practitioner at the surgery, phoned me as soon as they arrived and I was one of the first to receive it. That was only after a discussion with the oncologist and my GP and that jag had been tried and tested. Both said because of the cancer treatment my immune system had been compromised and catching the flu could actually kill me. With the Coronavirus you can have it more than once, so having it does not make you immune. I would imagine a similar discussion would take place this time.

    I don't think they shoul or could force people into taking something they didn't want. It has to be a personal choice.

    The other thing in the back of my mind is the triple jag they give children. Our son was born first and got all his injections without any side effects. Our daughter got the first of the three jags and ended up in Intensive Care for a week, which was very scary. When she took whooping cough (aged 3) we had to watch her 24/7 because if she was at the top of the stairs and started coughing, her whole body went rigid, she went blue and just keeled over so someone had to be there to prevent her falling downstairs, that was a scary fortnight. Our son didn't catch it from her. Now did I recommend our grandchildren had the triple jag? Yes I did but watched them carefully after each one.

    I don't think this has helped Ellie because until I hear the pros and cons from the experts, I will keep an open mind!

    It's good to be back!! Although it did take me 40 minutes to get signed in! Stay safe and well.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette 

    How good it is to see that you're well enough to post a most welcome message and give your views on the debate. 

    If it hadn't been for taking an unlicensed drug to combat the Corona virus I really fear that the virus would possibly have ended your life. Stark to see that in black and white but given your age (sorry).and your underlying health condition I think you may agree. Thankfully, none of your children or grandchildren were affected physically but mentally, I'm sure they were terrified when they discovered that both you and Vince were ill. 

    You know how serious it could have been but thanks to breakthroughs in medicine you survived. In a way that is behind my decision that I would gladly accept a vaccine and I have no doubt that my GP and the nurses would also be in favour, given my history of heart attack, current heart disease and stroke (minor, but still a reason). I gave my opinion on compulsory vaccine based on the smallpox vaccine that was developed and because of vast world wide immunisation, it has been eradicated. I know there was possibly a case recently and it was the first for some 20 years. If we don't take steps to eradicate this horrible virus then it's going to go round the world and keep resurfacing just like the flu virus does but this is much more severe in that it won't be just a winter virus, but all year round and will probably cause many more deaths than flu. Yes there probably will be medicinal developments to treat the virus but there still may have to be isolation which could have not just a major affect on our health, but also on the world's financial markets. In turn, because of low growth in countries'  stock price indices and low growth, pension policies will be seriously affected and because of compulsory workplace pension plans, future growth may be so low that the young and middle aged will not see a year on year growth that we older ones have benefited from. Can you imagine how future pensioers will feel if after contributing for 30 or 40 years, the amount that has accrued is less than what they invested? 

    So after much thought, I think that Corona virus inoculation at a young age will be the only effective way to defeat the disease. Heaven help us if something similar rears its ugly head in 5 or 10 years time. 

    Plenty to think about, yes?

    Really appreciate your return Annette.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Well Annette, if I had known you were back fighting fit I would not have been so "devil may care" with my opinions. I am so pleased you have turned a corner, we can't have any more big names falling off the perch!

    Even though I have given the vaccine some thought, mine was still a knee jerk reaction straight out of the pub bar.

    After this discussion I am going to be open to more thoughts on the matter, Tvman"s contributions always make me think.

    You have opened Pandora"s box Ellie, I wish I could cause such a rumpus with an innocent sounding question!

    Best to all of you.

  • Hi Annette,

    glad you and your husband have recovered. Sorry you had such a bad time.

    me and my family will be very happy to have the vaccine and think the more people that have it the better it will be for the whole country.

    we hope for the 5 of us in our  bubble from 3 households will get together for a few days over Christmas but we will all get a test first. Boots do it you can walk into the shop once you have made an appointment and get one . Or my husband and I will do a home test you can post to a Lloyds pharmacy  via Royal Mail.

    there is also an antibody test you can do a finger prick for 

    the cost is £150 so not cheap. After we have a negative result we will all . Just travel by car for Christmas  not go anywhere so we can freely meet in our bubble 

    you can get a free test on the NHS  if you  have symptoms.

    I have enjoyed my distanced walks with my daughter. FaceTime is just not the same as seeing someone 

    love xxx


  • Norberry i had no idea about the reaction  that this would occur, though i am glad as you say a simple question can bring up so many different comments.

    Though it has not really helped me as such still on the fence, just wondering how long the fence will hold up,

    All have a good day, though very chilly, but busy cleaning out two fridges.

    Take Care Elliexx

  • I think most people will have it, after all most people haven't got awful things wrong with them to worry about it.

    Once they have had it and haven't grown a tail or big green ears then the rest of us poor souls can join in.

    That fence is creaking badly Ellie! Xxx

  • A lot of unkind people would say a tail and big green ears could only improve my looks. 

  • I better go on a diet i reckon,