Hi Everyone

  • 23 replies
  • 44 subscribers

I hope you are all staying safe and keeping well.

What thoughts do people have on having this vaccine for the virus, if they are offered it,

I have been thinking about it and would like to know how others fill.

Take Care Elliexx

  • Hi Ellie, I would like to see plenty of people in the UK take it and then get a report on any issues after 3 months. Would like to wait a year but not sure I have that option!

    Sounds selfish but I am sure there will be plenty of takers straight away, just not me. I have enough wrong with me already, don't want to add to it.!

  • No doubt about it , it's for me. I'll be first in the queue I don't know why people are doubtful because it has been tested by thousands and wouldn't get past the governing body if it wasn't safe. It's the only thing that's going to help put the world back to normal and I'll be able to leave the sanctuary of my house and garden without worrying about getting infected. My wife and son will also get back to normal, I'll be able to go to England to see my grandson and daughter. Most of all though, we'll be able to invite friends and relatives to my house to celebrate my son's wedding to his Bolivian girlfriend. We're going to have a fantastic time, something to remember before my MDS turns nasty.

    What about you Ellie, you don't say if you will or not.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • I knew this would be controversial.  I am sure we are all taking various drugs, how will they react to the jab? 

    Now you have caused this fuss Ellie, are you or aren't you!,?

    I think I know what Annette will be saying and I am ready for a telling off. Won't be the first time.

  • You have both made me laugh, i am stuck in the middle that is why  i asked, would like it to have been tested for longer, normal trials take approx. 4 years, if hubby was here we would be disgusting it, but as i am here on my own, it has been going over in my head.

    I am sure other will be along thank you

    Take Care Elliexx

  • FormerMember

    HI all, I will not be taking the vaccine as I was advised against it  by a cancer nurse as it has not been tested on cancer patients, also on the news last night it was reported that cancer patients will be given antibodies, but until I have spoken to my oncologist I'm out.

    stay safe and strong xx

  • I don't think any of us can say for sure if some drugs affect others. In my case I take 20 tablets a day, 13 or 14 different types for my various ailments and long term illnesses so it's difficult when I'm at the doctor's for fatigue. Many of the drugs say"may make you tired" and then I have angina, coronary artery disease and haemachromatosis, to name but three conditions that can cause me to be fatigued. Then I take a very high daily dose of MST which causes fatigue also. It's hard to understand.


    Love life and family.
  • I was thinking about that to. I never did get a flu shot..and now i am on Immunotherapy anyway...so i think for now i would say no to it. But see here, they even was thinking about to make it may compulsory..so we will see. 

  • FormerMember

    There is also, amongst the 11 or 12 possibly viable vaccines, a further option for people like us with highly compromised immune systems which uses antibodies to fight the virus and I think that it will probably be the one that we will mostly get offered.

    The current issue, as I see it at least, is that NONE of the POSSIBLE options has yet been licensed and it is entirely possible that none will be...

    So my personal position is to wait and see what options actually arise, then speak with my clinical onc and try to get an honest medical opinion from him (it will also be interesting to find out if any of these drugs ARE licensed, then will any actually have been tested on cancer patients) .

    Broadly speaking however, I am very much in favour of inoculation as we have seen that the Swedish attempt at herd immunity has failed abysmally and you only have to look at what is happening in the US to see what a lackadaisical approach will engender.

    Also, I have been taking the Flu jab annually for 10+ years now with precious little side effects and that only has efficacy in the 50-60% range so to have potentially 90+% on the table is incredible and, if successful, could mean I get to do my bloomin' bucket list after all... (hahaha... couldn't resist!)

    Stay Strong


  • To go back to my previous post, my son went to Bolivia last June to get married in July and got stuck there untll the borders were reopened in November. However, to get on to a flight out of the country he had to pay around £75 in bolivianos in order to have a Covid 19 free certificate issued within the previous 3 days. No certificate no flight. 

    Interestingly it was also compulsory to have a squirt of antibacterial liquid when he entered the airport and as he boarded the plane. The plane had 2 seats either side and when it came to meal time, the window side of the left hand seats and the aisle seats of the right side were served first, then vice versa. At all other times it was compulsory to wear a mask.

    Just to add to the mix, I believe it should be made compulsory to have the Covid 19 vaccine because it's the only way that this awful disease will be eradicated and the pressure on our health service can be relieved, giving the chance to return to normal service. 

    Heaven help the world if another Covid 19 type virus hits our streets next year!

    Take care and stay safe everyone

    Tvman x

    Love life and family.
  • Hi,

    just to join in. I think we should all take the vaccine when offered. Though not sure about making it mandatory.

    let’s see how many have it. It would be so much better being able to see our family and friends.

    I flew to Greece safely with all my family . All 5 of us were safe and wore masks and used sanitiser.

    I am hoping the pubs and restaurants will open up in my area so we can meet in the local pub for a meal where I feel safe and we can socially distance.

    I have just had my scan results which are showing more progression in my dura and base of skull.

    I want to see friends and family as much as I can while I am feeling well and enjoy my life. I think my husband and I will go for a walk today with the dog up on Rodborough common. I met my daughter for a distanced walk yesterday 

    love to all xx
