Annette and Covid 19

  • 31 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Hi everyone

I'm sorry to have to tell you that Annette and her husband Vince have both been diagnosed with Covid 19. That's the diagnosis that no one who is living with an incurable cancer wants to be receiving.  Understandably, they are both quite ill. Vince was first to go down with it, followed a couple of days later by Annette. Vince had a horrible cough and both are suffering from bones being painful and sweating. Annette describes the illness thus:  W H A M!!! It hits you, knees shaking, sweating by just the effort to stand up, so you go to the toilet then straight back to bed. We are both the same with very sore back, ribs etc. Nothing usually floors me like this! That's seven days tomorrow I've been in bed. 

Now I'm not what you would call a particularly religious man but since Annette emailed me about Vince and then a couple of days later gave me the news that she herself had gone down with Covid 19, I've been praying every day for both of them.

Peggy, Annette has been asking me how you are so you can be sure that I'll let her know. 

Take care and stay safe everyone

Tvman x

  • Hi Tv man and All

    I heard from  Annetta yesterday,  they are both at the time of the e mail slowly starting to fill a little bit better, slowly is the answer and do  not rush things, though this has  knocked them both for six as you can imagine.Hope you are all keeping safe.

    Take Care Elliexx 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ellie 73

    Glad to hear they are feeling better long may it continue, everything crossed for them both


  • Thank you for the update. Let us know we wish them better soon x


  • Hi Gang, Well that was something we didn't expect to happen! I wouldnt wish it on anyone. You feel so hellpless not being able to get up or do anything but of course our son and daughter said they would come in to make us meals but we couldn't eat anyway. Also of course we didn't want to take the chance of passing this on. I would rather I had it than our children, even though they are both adults, you still want to protect them.

    Although Vince and I both had tested positive for the coronavirus, our symptoms were very different apart from the fact we both felt very unwell and had high temperatures. (37.4)  Vince had terrible bouts of coughing, he was shivering and his bones were sore. I didnt have a cough but a sore throat, no voice, sore head and bones and was having hot flushes. So he was in bed with extra covers and two hot water bottles, wanting the heating full on and I lay without covers and opened the windows! Oh you have got go laugh!  I have lost my sense of taste (hopefully temporarily) but the only thing Vince cannot taste is coffee! He has been drinking tea, which he seldom ever does.

    We went out for an hour or so today for the first time and when we came back we were both exhausted! Its amazing how weak it makes you feel!

    I had intended coming onto the site in the next couple of days as hopefully will feel a bit better day by day but Gragon asked me if I had seen the nice comments people had posted and of course I hadn't. Over the weekend, I will try to catch up with what's been happening with everyone but thought I'd post this tonight, or I should say this morning! As usual, I'm a Night Owl! Just to say thank you so much for all your best wishes, they really mean such a lot! Oh it'll take a bit more than the coronavirus to get rid of me!! LOL!!!

    PLEASE P.EASE do everything you can to make sure you avoid this virus at all costs! Scotland goes back into LOCKDOWN for at least three weeks from 6pm tonight (Fri). Are most of you in Lockdown and how are you coping!

    Thanks again everyone and Tvman for posting this.     I will be back!!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Annette
    I’m really pleased that both of you have turned the corner and are recovering from this horrid virus


  • So pleased you have both come through this Annette, you worried us all. At least you managed to get a bit of fresh air, take it easy now.

  • That’s very good news! Thanks for the update - wishing you & hubby a full & speedy recovery. Blush

  • Hi Annette 

    Welcome back Slight smile I want to give you a hug, but it'll have to be a virtual one of course. Give Vince my best wishes please. You're both very lucky. 

    In Northern Ireland we have just come off a two week lockdown, not a complete one, and from next Friday we're going on a stricter lockdown for two weeks! You couldn't make it up, and being Northern Ireland, politics has played a major part. Honestly, I'm seething that there's one party that used their veto twice so that means the proposal is dead in the water. I don't know what the consensus of opinion is regarding the veto being used  because I am not allowed out to even get a newspaper. My garden and my little wood across the road is as far as I go. I can't even take Conan for a walk using my motorised scooter because it's not working! I have listened to radio and TV broadcasts though and most people here the same opinion as me but of course they are subject to editing.

    Schools are still open and Mrs Tvman has to go every day so that worries me that she might bring the virus home but she's wearing a mask and a visor at work. She, another classroom assistant and two P1 teachers as well as the children in P1 are all in a bubble and not allowed to mix with others.

    Anyone else have notification issues? I saw your post Annette and thought I was going to be first to reply but when I opened up to reply, there were 3 or 4 replies that I didn't know about! I have had the same problem with other threads. 

    Annette, don't be rushing back too soon,.we know you've been one of the lucky ones who have come through this awful virus. Take care,


    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hi. Annette

    So pleased you and your husband are feeling better.You had us worried there.It must have been so frightening for you.It shows us how careful we must be.

    Take it easy and you will be fine. Take care Hibiscus

  • Dear Annette

    I am very pleased that you and Vince are feeling better, and I hope the recovery continues. Take care of yourselves, 


    Flowerlady x