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Had appointment on Monday not good  chemo didn’t work. Not sure what’s next they want me to have a rest as the body has took a bit of battering.


Its all scary just wanted a bit of good news not to be.

i filled out a dNR form but have changed my mind so I am ringing on Monday to speak to my nurse.

They have put me on the locai hospice list so I should here from them.Of course now they won’t cone around because of stupid virus.

Its my Daughters and both grandsons birthdays this month seems a shame we won’t be able to do things We planed 

Talk about doom and gloom never mind I’ll be ok in the morning still here

Hope you are all ok  take care x

  • Oh Peggy 24 so sorry to hear your news i hope that some form of treatment will be offered to you I would say firstly don't give up and fight whatever you can get I know it's hard and covid has made it even harder to get what we shouldn't have to fight for in the first place but make it your goal to do whatever you can to fight for your life you have come to far in your journey to give in now huge hugs and love xxxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Popgate

    Tank you Popgate I’m not sure I asked about trails but with the covid who knows.

    Im just a bit down but I will pick myself up again. I need a bit of hope but can’t see any at the moment.

    Hope. You are ok look after yourself.xx

  • Hey we are all down at the minute but I know you and you will find hope etc and you are a fighter if you fancy a pm message I am here for you and all of us on here will give you love and support whenever you need it day or night you know that I am ok at the moment got a scan in a couple of weeks but still fighting on in my mad coping ways loads of love and hugs xxx

  • Hi 

    So sorry to hear that your chemo hasn't been successful. You have been told that they want your body to take a rest. How do you feel Peggy? Do you feel like you have been hit by the proverbial bus? 

    As you say, it's your daughter's and grandsons' birthdays and you won't be able to enjoy them as much as previous years but will you be able to use zoom or whatever to see them in real time? I hope so, it's not the same but imagine that it was 20 years ago, we wouldn't be able to do half what we can do now, it'd be so much worse. So we're lucky in some ways, yeah?

    Anyway, take care and stay safe Peggy. I'll catch you later.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Oh Peggy I’m so sorry to hear your news. It sounds like you do need the rest. Hope you manage to celebrate the birthdays in some way, FaceTime isn’t the same I know. 
    Take care 



    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • FormerMember

    Hi Peggy, so sorry to hear your news, it's not what any of us want to hear, but do not give up hope, there's been to much sad news on hear lately, all bleeding doom and gloom, I have 2 more chemo sessions then I have to stop which I'm dreading as I fear that I will be told the same as you but I must have hope, my oncologist tells me she has big sleeves so I put my trust in her, but until I have another CT scan we won't know. As for the DNR I won't be signing anything like that I'm gonna make the buggers work for me Laughing I've put in almost 38 years of NI so I want my monies worth Smiling imp am I bad??

    Could you and your family have an early celebration for birthdays before national lockdown???? depending on where you live?? we go into lockdown on Thursday here in the south west.

    So please stay strong and positive as everyone tells me to be POSITIVE POSITIVE POSITIVE,

    As you say you're still here and tomorrow you will be too.

    sending you much love, prayers and best wishes Pray

  • Peggy, I cannot say anything usefull but I would like to be added to all of your friends who are thinking of you. 

    Can I recount something that may make you smile, I recently had to have a catheter for a week. I got up in the morning, untangled all the tubing and went to the bathroom to put matters straight. As I got to the hall, the postman knocked. We have a glass window in the front door, he stood there looking at me, I stood there looking at him. After a few seconds it dawned on him what he was seeing, me, naked, with one bag strapped to me and carrying another bag attached to its night holder. He slowly backed away probably feeling quite unwell. We haven't spoken since!

    I hope you don't think I am being crass, just hoping you may find this amusing and distract you from your worries for a moment.

    I am expecting to be admonished by KTatHome for this posting.

    Have an early party with your family then a proper one when things improve for you, I know they will.


  • FormerMember

    I’m sorry to hear that the chemo did not work for you Peggy it is very hard to take that in when we put all our hope on treatment ,when I was on immunotherapy I was sure it was going to help me win the fight against my stage 4 lung cancer but for me it caused more damage ,I was told I had to stop treatment and give my lungs time to recover I have had no further treatment for 16 months and cancer up to now is stable never give up hope .i hope you manage some contact with your family and remember that they love you and all on here support you take carexx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Chelle

    Its funny really every time we book for this afternoon tea at this farm something happens and we can’t go.Never mind try later.

    I can see them on FaceTime which is a blessing years ago we didn’t have that. 

    Thank you tv. Man the chemo did  hit me hard this time I have problems walking and have lost my nails which was weird never mindthey will grow back.

    Deoncat I feel @ bit better now.Just a bit of a wobble.The thing with the DNR was playing on my mind so I will get that sorted.Its good to hear you have been stable so long.There is always hope for me to. Take.

    Norberry thanks for making me smile what a shock for postie he he always good to have a laugh.

    Take everyone and stay safe xx 

  • Hi Peggy,

    I was so Sorry to hear that your treatment has not worked. You will get through this and hopefully you will be offered other treatment. This Covid just adds to the problems,of not being able to see family. I was hoping to see my daughter but it is just not possible. 

    Take care,and let us know how you get on.

    Georgette xx