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  • 48 subscribers

Had appointment on Monday not good  chemo didn’t work. Not sure what’s next they want me to have a rest as the body has took a bit of battering.


Its all scary just wanted a bit of good news not to be.

i filled out a dNR form but have changed my mind so I am ringing on Monday to speak to my nurse.

They have put me on the locai hospice list so I should here from them.Of course now they won’t cone around because of stupid virus.

Its my Daughters and both grandsons birthdays this month seems a shame we won’t be able to do things We planed 

Talk about doom and gloom never mind I’ll be ok in the morning still here

Hope you are all ok  take care x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Georgette

    Hi Georgette 

    Feeling a bit better now.Had a visit today from one of the nurses at the local hospice.

    It was good she went through my medication and asked different things.I’m still under Onocoligy so wait and see about future treatment.

    I lost the last member of my family last night.My sister in law had a massive stroke.I only spoke to her last week and she was so well.It just show’s you never know what tomorrow holds so enjoy today.

    Hope you are ok? Take care Tulip

  • Hi pleased you feeling a bit better and you have had a chat with your nurse but so sorry to hear about your sister in law you are having so much to deal with at the moment the gang will all be here for you when you need us love a huge hugs xxx

  • FormerMember

    Oh  so sorry to hear your sad news, first of all that the chemo didn't work. It's very hard to be in limbo, we all seem to do better with a plan however daunting it may seem. I hope your Consultant will have something up her sleeve for you and you can enjoy the treatment break in the meantime.

    Very sorry to hear about your sister in law, that must have been a huge shock. These losses are never easy but this is a particularly difficult time to cope with a bereavement. 

    I'm glad you've got a hospice nurse in your corner, everyone says the sooner the better. We've also got a number of birthdays this month, I'm getting a bit more used to Zoom but of course nothing compares to meeting up in person. Let's hope we all get a chance to make up for it later.

    Take good care of yourself, sending love and hugs.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you Tinalay

    I have a call in a month so making the most of the time off.Not sure about treatment I just have to hope.

    The hospice nurse was very good easy to talk to.

    I surpose it’s a bit scary when they mention hospice.

    We had a lovely day today by the sea.Had fish and chips and it was a sunny day.Took the dog for a walk.

    I  an see my daughter as she is a part of our bubble.I will see the boys on FaceTime.Fingers crossed forChristmas.

    Mind there is a lot more  cases now so we have to be careful.

    Stay safe hug to you Hibiscus

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Popgate

    Hi Flippen

     Nursr was very good.Got a bit freaked out when they said hospice but it was fine.I know I have to get my head around these things

    but it’s hard.

    It was a shock  about my sister in law I only spoke to her last week.She was saying how lucky she was with her health.Im glad she didn’t suffer it’s just hard for her  family.

    So it’s been lovely day so I’ve made the most of it.Lets hope we have lots more.Its a lovely time not too hot but lovely sun.

    Take Clare hug from me Cherry blossomHibiscus

  • Hi there really pleased you have a good relationship with your nurse it's so important that they listen to you and it's like talking to a good friend my medical team are fantastic with me as I normally have meltdowns all the time as I don't like talking about me my armoury is up but when you have to talk that is when I break in simple terms with medical staff I put on a good Oscar act when I have to when I am not ok but with medical staff I just break and then I get angry with myself as I feel I have let myself down having a meltdown moment but they are brill with me I lost someone the other week who I used to work with she was as fit as a fiddle didn't smoke or drink went regularly to the gym and watched her diet she looked amazing like a model her hair and make up was brill she had a headache in the morning and in the afternoon was rushed to the hospital and passed away she died from a brain clot she was 34 came totally out of the blue devastating I couldn't get my head round it like you with your sister in law so I know exactly how you feel keep making the most of your days keep busy stay strong and safe loads of love and hugs xxxxxx

  • My son walked in whilst I was changing my bag, he learnt to knock and wait after that
