Back from a long break.

  • 36 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hello folks. I've had a long break from the group, far longer than intended partly because like many others I had problems navigating the new site.

I've been struggling with depression and crippling fatigue and it just didn't seem fair to post here when so many of our group were having such a difficult time and some were coming to the end of their treatment.

So many losses this year, just heartbreaking.

They were all a great example of living with cancer, and had all beaten their initial prognosis, some by many years.

 I was referred to the hospice, had an initial assessment and had a number of appointments arranged just as we went into lockdown. The hospice have since discharged me as they aren't able to offer anything for the forseeable future. That was a blow.

After some trial and error the anti depressants have kicked in. My B12 levels were so low they were unrecordable so I've had a course of 6 injections in 2 weeks which has also helped. I'm having a chemo break in October, (yay!) but have 9 hospital appointments starting with a brain scan tomorrow. The next treatment plan depends on scan results, the Covid infection rate and funding.

 it'll be lovely to catch up, I've missed everyone so much.   Sorry, I missed a lovely message from you from 4 months ago! 

We'll all be together in spirit at least on Monday xx

  • Hi TVman, Yes it is the same here, we are not meant to go into anybody else's house for 16 days. However much the same as when we had our full Lockdown in March, we don't count the children! If you remember back then we hadn't seen our grandchildren for just over two weeks and our daughter told us the girls were waking up crying during the night because they missed us. So our son and daughter drop the children at our house and come back for them later after dinner! In fact they were here on Monday, as it's the Autumn School Break here so schools are off for the week!

    Yes I do hope it is a clear night on Saturday. There have been a few clear nights with ground frost but we have also had a few cloudy nights too. Fingers crossed!

    Love to ALL

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette

    4 nights in a row! I think you're cracked it. Is it straightforward for you to access the site? 

    Good to see some new members dipping their toes in the site. None have said it's difficult for them. 

    You're so lucky that you're so close to the girls. Enjoy every day with them, they sound very bright and eager to be with you.  

    I see you're up and posting. I am too for the same reason as always-pain! How is your pain these days, is it still reasonably under control?  I was moving some wood from the side of the garage to inside the garage and it was incredibly painful but of course it needed to be done as part of a small rejig of storage. I took regular breaks when I thought my back was about to break!

    Take care as always Annette

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • aww it is not good that you're in so much pain, i wish i had a magic pill for you!!! To cheer you up a bit>> here it's springtime and today we had 26 degrees Slight smile was just right to sit a bit outside ( after i did mow that lawn ) and read a book..and oops sunburn..but not bad. 

    Luckily Corona is not here where we live..and Australia isn't doing so bad.

    Hugs Pet

  • Aww, thanks 

    I appreciate your concern. I'd like to say I'm used to the pain but it's really not something I can get used to. I was speaking to someone once who had a friend living with a spinal problem similar to mine and after I'd said it feels like my back is about to break, he stopped me and exclaimed that's how his friend explained the pain. It's not so much a case of getting used to it, it's just something that's going to happen, but it happens more quickly depending on what my activity is. 

    You be careful with that hot sun, Pet, I enjoy the sun but thats a heat at the top range of comfort for me, it only happens a couple of times a year in Northern Ireland.

    You are so lucky that Covid 19 isn't prevalent in Oz. We're about to have a press release to announce new measures that will be introduced from Friday. Schools are expected to be closed for 2 weeks so I'll have my wife at home and we hope to tackle the framework of the polytunnel. Schools are normally closed for 1 week at this time of year for Halloween. Do you have Halloween parties down there? 

    A lot of restrictions being announced right now. 

    Take care Pet and stay safe

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • So glad you can see your grandchildren. We go for walks with my daughter and her dogs with our dog and have had some dry sunny days. I feel so happy just for a simple walk with our daughter.

    i am concerned we will have to have a lockdown soon. I think the numbers will continue to go up and it will happen . We will worry about Christmas but here are only 6 of us at Christmas but 3 different households.

    I am doing well on the Atra tablets and it will be interesting to see on my next MRI whether tumours are shrinking I have an appointment for 9th November and asked for a CT as well so hope that appointment comes through to check on all my other mets.

    i hate the MRI and will ask for some Valium which helps a bit. Last time I was I. There for 50 minutes and I found it tough.

    sorry you and Tvman have pain as I have had back pain in the past. I still find standing for a long time does hurt and I need to sit down. 
    the headaches are helped by the zomorph.

    i think about you both a lot.

    love Ruth xx


  • Hi 

    Thank you, that's nice of you, I think of you too and I'm happy you enjoyed your holiday.

    Zomorph is working for you, that's great. I never have any serious headaches, just the odd one every 3 or 4 years! 

    I don't like the MRI much either, I had a 45 minute one once so I always ask how long it's going to take. I keep my eyes closed for the duration. 

    Take care Ruth and stay safe.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.