Back from a long break.

  • 36 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hello folks. I've had a long break from the group, far longer than intended partly because like many others I had problems navigating the new site.

I've been struggling with depression and crippling fatigue and it just didn't seem fair to post here when so many of our group were having such a difficult time and some were coming to the end of their treatment.

So many losses this year, just heartbreaking.

They were all a great example of living with cancer, and had all beaten their initial prognosis, some by many years.

 I was referred to the hospice, had an initial assessment and had a number of appointments arranged just as we went into lockdown. The hospice have since discharged me as they aren't able to offer anything for the forseeable future. That was a blow.

After some trial and error the anti depressants have kicked in. My B12 levels were so low they were unrecordable so I've had a course of 6 injections in 2 weeks which has also helped. I'm having a chemo break in October, (yay!) but have 9 hospital appointments starting with a brain scan tomorrow. The next treatment plan depends on scan results, the Covid infection rate and funding.

 it'll be lovely to catch up, I've missed everyone so much.   Sorry, I missed a lovely message from you from 4 months ago! 

We'll all be together in spirit at least on Monday xx

  • Just a quick message to say that I hope the brain scan doesn't show anything untoward. 

    I know how depression can have such a great effect on someone's life. In March 2015 I was diagnosed with incurable cancer then before the end of the year I as much as lost the power of my legs. What a severe shock that was. Hard to overcome. I'm with ya girl.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Tinalay

    I've been in touch with Annette and she is still having severe problems in accessing the site. She dearly wants to reply to you and has asked me to do so on her behalf. The next few words I have copied from her email to me:

    Tinalay had written "back from a long break"  I wonder if you could let her know she will be in m ofy thoughts and I hope her scan is clear.

    Pleased to have been of help, Tinalay and Annette

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi there tinalay so so so nice to hear from you I would love an in depth chat with you if you can pm me that would be great yes a lot of losses this year they were all important here on the site daloni has really knocked me for six no way could I have made it this far without her tomorrow I will be raising a glass to her at 145 i have got my scented candle ready and I have written a speech which I am going to do in my garden and say it to the sky no doubt we will all be remembering her at this time tomorrow in our own special ways sounds like you have had a right rough ride hope your brain scan goes ok tomorrow and results are ok keep fighting on I know how hard it is to do but never give up you have come to far for that to happen loads of love and hugs always xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Hi Thanks for passing on the message, I'll PM yourself, and  


  • You're welcome, thank you. Good luck. I'm waiting to hear from the cancer unit at the hospital. My weekly treatment involves me self injecting into my legs, one leg one week then the other leg the next week and when I inject into my right leg, it's really painful. It's also more swollen than the left.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Tvman,

    very brave of you to give yourself a painful injection. I hope it helps the pain you are having. My headaches are quite well controlled on the zomorph and are normally above my right eye. I have started having a headache at the back of my head not sure if it is related to the mets which are behind my right eye.

    i have been thinking of Daloni today and her family xx


  • I understand your difficulties, I also had low b12 and depression,  it was a struggle just to walk upstairs, on tablets for b12, injections to start at end of the course.  Antidepressants also working well,  I hope you get some respite quickly from the treatment 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to YoungMan

     thank you for your understanding and encouragement. It was surprisingly difficult to admit to, considering how much personal stuff we share in the group. It's taken 4 months to find the right treatment but I've got my spark back and the energy levels are improving too. So glad to hear your treatment is working, the physical effects are just exhausting.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    "I'm with ya girl"

    Means so much to me, thank you.


  • Indeed physical, mental and emotional effects exhausting.  Best thing for depression is admission and talking.