Back from a long break.

  • 36 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hello folks. I've had a long break from the group, far longer than intended partly because like many others I had problems navigating the new site.

I've been struggling with depression and crippling fatigue and it just didn't seem fair to post here when so many of our group were having such a difficult time and some were coming to the end of their treatment.

So many losses this year, just heartbreaking.

They were all a great example of living with cancer, and had all beaten their initial prognosis, some by many years.

 I was referred to the hospice, had an initial assessment and had a number of appointments arranged just as we went into lockdown. The hospice have since discharged me as they aren't able to offer anything for the forseeable future. That was a blow.

After some trial and error the anti depressants have kicked in. My B12 levels were so low they were unrecordable so I've had a course of 6 injections in 2 weeks which has also helped. I'm having a chemo break in October, (yay!) but have 9 hospital appointments starting with a brain scan tomorrow. The next treatment plan depends on scan results, the Covid infection rate and funding.

 it'll be lovely to catch up, I've missed everyone so much.   Sorry, I missed a lovely message from you from 4 months ago! 

We'll all be together in spirit at least on Monday xx

  • Hi Tinalay, I can't believe I've actually managed to get signed in! I have been trying for ages and Admin have also been trying to help me get back onto the site! Last night I "messed about" for ages but I didn't think it had done anything. Then when I signed on tonight, lo and behold, here I am!

    i thought I'd come to your post first, just in case this doesn't last! I have thought about you often and wondered how you are. I have been missing ALL my friends here. I was so relieved Daloni and I had arranged another method of communication because if we hadn't, I wouldn't have been able to support her first in hospital and then at the Hospice. It is strange, isn't it, that being in the Incurables Group we should know what's eventually going to happen. However even then, it still comes as a shock when it does happen! It is hard to explain but no matter how many times it happens, it is difficult to cope with!

    I haven't managed to read all the posts on this thread, as I wanted to try to reply to you before doing anything else. So will you hear news of your scan results soon? I do hope they are a lot better than you imagine and your Consultant will have a plan of action for you!  I had an appointment with Dermatology yesterday where they found a lesion on my leg. They have given me steroid cream to see if it improves and if not they will arrange to have it removed.

    I would like to say welcome to everyone who is new here and say well done for navigating the site, I do hope this is not just a one off and I will still be able to sign in tomorrow and get to know you all! I would also like to say Hi to everyone who knows me ( it sounds like I am accepting some kind of award! So thanks to my mum & dad for having me!! Lol!) and it will be great to find out how you all have been getting on in my absence! I thought I might have been forgotten by now!

    Love and hugs for all who need it! Take care,

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi there anndanv great to have you back!!!!!!!!!!!!! you forgotten I don't think so xxx

  • Hi Annette, lovely to see you here again. A bright light for these dark nights that are closing in.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi, thanks TVman & Popgate, Yes I don't like the dark nights either. The moon here tonight is amazing! It is so low in the sky, it feels like you could reach up and touch it!

    I can hardly believe I got signed in two nights in a row! That's a first since the Update.

    I have one important question! After all the effort to get signed in here, WHERE IS EVERYONE??????   Surely they can't all be having problems signing in! It was a lovely sunny but cold day here yesterday. Autumnal for sure. Instead of using my wheelchair or electric buggy, I used my walker so I could sit and watch our grandchildren play in the park. The main reason was I wanted to walk through the golden leaves, scuffing my feet so you could hear them crunch. Then my husband shouted my name and when I looked round he pointed to our 3 grandchildren following behind me in a row, doing exactly the same! Fantastic!!

    Have a terrific Sunday everyone! Do you think I can make it 3 days in a row!!!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette 

    I love autumn time too, hearing the crisp brown leaves rustling in the wind. For a few years now I have been collecting fallen leaves and saving them in a large builder's bag for a couple of years until they have rotted down and using them as a mulch at the base of plants. 

    Today or tonight may see you reaching a hat trick of successful sign ins Thumbsup

    A couple of nights in a row recently I thought our rear spotlight was on but when I checked, it was the moonlight shining on the back garden. Such a bright harvest moon there was, unfortunately there is cloud cover at the moment but that big bright moon was really impressive. 

    I've just checked the table of closest distances to the moon (Perigee) and yes the distance between the earth and the moon is the second closest on 17th October. It is only beaten by 7th April which was 221,771 miles. The furthest distance (Apogee) recently was 3rd October and was 252,476  miles so you're not imagining it Annette, the moon at the moment is some 30,000 miles closer than it was at the beginning of the month!

    Right tonight's science lesson is finished, it's just after 4am and my brain hurts lol Smile

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Annette and Tvman,

    I like the leaves changing colour and especially enjoy the red ones against the walls of some pubs and houses.

    today the sun is shining and a good day for a walk. Good you got to walk and shuffle the leaves Annette.

    we are going over to my daughters with our dog and will go for a distanced walk in the sunshine. Walking is lovely this weather and nice to be with the family. Our son is driving up to see us next weekend.

    good to enjoy the simple things nature and the night sky xx


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hi  it looks like you've finally nailed it Smile I hope the problems with accessing the site are behind you now.

    That's a lovely image, you and the grandchildren enjoying the sunshine and the autumn leaves. I love the colours at this time of year too although the dark evenings take a bit of getting used to. One of the good things about having a dog is you realise there are very few days that you can't get out for a walk because of bad weather.

    I'm not worried about the scan results on the 20th and 22nd Oct because the last scans were encouraging, but I'd really love to have a break from chemo if at all possible. It's possible that I'll have to stop treatment because of the pandemic or lack of funding..

     the science lesson was completely above my head but the harvest moon sounds spectacular.


  • Hi TVman, YESSSS!  Three days in a row, I can hardly believe it! I have a new IPad, an older IPad, a Samsung Tablet, a Laptop and a home computer but the site only works on two out of the five! At least now it's working now on something!

    Well, you may not believe this but ever since I've been doing Tai Chi Chuan (over 40 years now) I have been very interested in the moon, so had already looked up the proximity to the earth. At first when I started as an instructor, I would say, on a clear night, did everyone notice the moon tonight and I got vague looks and replies of no not really! Then by the end of the first month, they would come into class saying "did you see the moon on ?night, it was amazing" it was music to my ears! Even our 6 year old grandson is fascinated by the moon. Last Christmas he asked Santa to bring him a telescope. On a clear night my son brings him to our house as where they are there are too many lights at night. We on the other hand, live in a village and our house overlooks the Campsie Hills and it is very dark and as long as it isn't a school day the next day, they stay a while and have their supper with us. He gets so excited it is infectious. We have already arranged for them to come here on 17th as it's a Saturday and we are all hoping it is a clear night!

    However thanks for looking up the information as I'm sure you and maybe some others, will be hooked on the moon from now on!! Lol!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Tinalay, Yes it has taken a while and perseverance too but we finally got there! Three days in a row is a record at the moment! Let's see if I can make it a straight week. It must be nice walking a dog in all weathers. My friend and I used to walk at least twice a week in the winter, maybe 5 miles or so and more in the summer, we would be out all day and walk 15+ miles each time. At this time of year we loved going to the Country Parks and watch the leaves change colour, it was fantastic but I am just not mobile enough now to go even for a very short walk. I really miss it and I loved to walk during every season.

    Im so pleased you are not stressing about your results as it never helps. I do hope your results are as encouraging as the last ones and you manage your chemo break! I will answer your PM later or tomorrow, so will be in touch!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette

    I've had more than an average interest in astronomy for more than 20 years now. I remember my first look at the moon with a telescope, wow, looking at the various craters. What I didn't know then was that if you look more carefully you can see  the dark shadows cast by the sun on the raised sides of the craters, so you know  what direction that the sun is shining from.

    Probably more powerful an image on my mind is the first time I looked at Jupiter through the telescope. Jupiter appears in the night sky as a very bright object, just like a bright star. Jupiter has 4 large bodies (moons or satellites) and hundreds of smaller ones, some just big lumps of rock. Well, I looked at far away Jupiter through the telescope and wow! There were three of the four main moons, showing up as little dark circles. The other one must have been round the back side of Jupiter and you couldn't see it. But to see another planet so far away with its moons is nothing short of amazing. Look at Jupiter again 20 minutes later and the moons are in different places!

    Good luck for Saturday, Annette as long as Ms whatsername doesn't ban people from another family from going to another family's home. That's what we have in Northern Ireland right now. 

    Take care Annette and stay safe


    Love life and family.