Norberry's taking a break

  • 11 replies
  • 49 subscribers

hello everyone. This is a selfish cop out I know but I am feeling so unhappy and miserable that people on here are in so much trouble that I must step back from our community for a while. It is affecting our life indoors.  I am saying it on here in case people mention me and I dont reply. I wouldn't want to be considered rude. Thank you to everyone who has done so much for me. Wishing the best to everyone. Norberry.

  • Hi so sorry you are stepping back for a while you always have something interesting to say I will miss you hopefully the site will get better they say they are working on the technical issues that we have all experienced its really upsetting me too as hardly anyone is posting and I am missing my regular chats this place is a lifeline to me and to so many other people I really do hope we can all get back to how we used to be 

  • I am dreadfully sorry Popgate, my wife mentioned two things that were wrong with my post.

    I meant people suffering with their illness not the forum difficulties.

    My wife also thought I was blaming her for leaving. I am doing a lot of crying and this cannot be good for her. As Revoir.

  • Hi, I hope that you feel better from having a rest from the Community,  I am sure that you will be  missed as you always write a good post. Take care and have a good weekend.  Georgette 

  • FormerMember


    i think it’s completely understandable. I feel the same from time to time and take a step back. It’s easy to get too involved in situations you can do nothing about. Take whatever break you need. Come back when - if - you’re ready. You’ll always be welcome 

    all the best

    daloni xxx

  • Please don't worry you don't have to apologise take care and all the best 

  •  on this journey we’re on we need to be selfish. We need to recognise when the forum is helpful and when a hindrance.  Enjoy your break, recouperate and return when it is of benefit to you. 

  • Don't you worry...i think we all understand..take care!!! hugs

  • FormerMember

    My Dear Norberry,

    We will miss you but we understand, I feel the same somedays. 

    Be well and find some fun and happiness out there! Hello to Mrs Norberry.

    Meanwhile I’ll be looking for dogs and harvesting sunflower seeds. 

    Do come back when you are ready.

    with love and Hugs,


  • Hi 

    Hey, you are by no means being selfish neither would you ever be rude. I can see that your mental health is in danger of causing you concern and that is one thing we need to take care of. Take as long as you need and perhaps it won't be long until you are lighting up the incurables again with your wit! 

    Take care Norberry and stay safe.


    Love life and family.
  • Dear Norberry

    Completely understandable, take care x

    Flowerlady x