Norberry's taking a break

  • 11 replies
  • 49 subscribers

hello everyone. This is a selfish cop out I know but I am feeling so unhappy and miserable that people on here are in so much trouble that I must step back from our community for a while. It is affecting our life indoors.  I am saying it on here in case people mention me and I dont reply. I wouldn't want to be considered rude. Thank you to everyone who has done so much for me. Wishing the best to everyone. Norberry.

  • Hi

    Sorry to hear you are leaving for a while, I understand, as does everyone else, why you might feel that way as some stalwarts on here are at difficult places, and that can bring home our own fears about the future. I also get the sense, that since the change of website, the energy seems to have gone out of the forums, not just this one. You have been someone who likes a joke and light hearted banter, and that has been missing recently. There is room on here for the deep and the humorous, and I hope it will reinvigorate soon. I wonder if that change of energy has affected you for the worse. Hope you take a break, get some support in your personal life, and maybe that dog? And return to the forum in a better place yourself.

    Lots of love
