Forum failures

  • 24 replies
  • 45 subscribers

I think my Sinclair ZX Spectrum may not be compatible so I am using my BBC Acorn Atari with Amstrad upgrades.

If this posts I have cracked it and will be happy to advise my forum chums. (should any remain).

Daloni suggested she would be posting steaming piles of ***** so if someone so senior can do it then so can I.

  • I do! I think I may have cracked the problems I was having although I'm not going to say that too loudly. 

    Glad you're sounding more perky - it is big stuff hey. 

    My big news is that my cancer is in full remission - the stubborn brain stuff has gone without any radiotherapy intervention - apparently this is unusual so I'm excited that things may change for future cancer patients. I'm sorry if that's insensitive - I don't mean to be. I know you like to hear all our news too. I'm trying to adjust to living a more normal life for a while. I'm expecting it will all come back at some point but I've not been cancer free at all since my diagnosis 3 years ago - it's quite exciting although I feel a bit lost with it in a way. Do I go back to work or use whatever time I have to be with the kids full time and just try and relax and enjoy being - I don't know. 

    Shout if you need some grapes peeled - I'll sneak in a small child to assist (apparently they don't carry the virus!).


  • you'd be top of the list! 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry
    • Especially the early feminist literature? Just a wild guess Rofl
  • Hi Gobaith, Glad you made it, good for your husband figuring it out! sent me instructions on how to clear cookies but be aware, it doesn't solve all the problems!

    WOW! What fantastic news you are in remission, it's amazing what Pembro and a lot of drugs can do as long as you stick with them! You were saying you weren't sure what now! Whether you should go back to work or not! Can I remind you that in your Profile page all you wanted was to know how much time you had with your children! We're circumstances permitting, if I was you I'd be spending lots of time with the children and forgetting about work. It means if they go to school you can see them off in the morning and be there when they get home to here all their news!!

    Can I ask please, if that's you completed your course are you drug free now? Also how often have you to go for scans just to make sure, and I'm sure it will, to confirm all is well!

    I can't believe it  after the second paragraph I hit return and I was asked to sign in again!! Aargh! What's happening!!

    Love to ALL,  Annette X  

    PS  Especially Dame Daloni!! (That fits) Getting grapes peeled indeed!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Morning 

    Thanks for your lovely message! I will continue to have treatment for a while - my oncologist is seeing if we can extend the standard two years for Pembro, I think I've seen a study somewhere in endometrial trials that it can be given for 3 years so my oncologist is doing some research to see what can be done. I've gone down to 2 scans a year now. I had a nasty reaction to the contrast dye from the last scan so won't be having any more of that which is a bit of a worry - what can they see without it? The symptoms from the brain mets were obvious so my oncologist has said if I get any of those, we can scan straight away. To be honest, my oncologist is fab and we know each other fairly well now so it's become easy to manage. 

    Thanks for your honest answer to my question about work too - it is a huge bonus to be able to be around when they come home from school so yes, as you say, enjoy that! 

    hope you've had a pain free night and got some sleep to be able to face today... and if you have the energy, we look forward to hearing about your adventures and mischief making today. 

  • That is really good news , so pleased. Should you go back to work ? I had those thoughts to, I think its very natural, did I want to feel that the previous few years on treatment hadn’t existed and get back to the old normal, or had I changed and did I need a new normal, and what was important for my new normal. I think that’s how I approached it.

    You could have a peek in the life after cancer group to see or start a discussion, or chat to the Macmillan work support people. I was going to give a much longer ramble about what thoughts I went through, but I feel it’s probably not relevant, and I always over think things from every angle.

    Take care and enjoy your news

    Take care KT

  • This is such unbelievably brilliant news, that time, now you have it, has to be set aside for serious consideration. KTatHome has forensically examined all your options and she is as usual bang on. I think it is simple .... if you can afford it dont go back to work. I loved work and really miss it but if the same miracle should strike me, you would still find me at home. But all in all what a luxurious dilemma to find yourself in.

    What a thing to happen Gobaith, you must still be in a tiswas. It is worth repeating, brilliant news. 

  • Of course I sent this to KTatHome instead of Gobaith. If it can be shared I would be grateful. 

  • Hi , it should work that every contributor gets to see every reply as an email if they have their options set to that but hopefully will get to see your good wishes above when she looks through the posts, and to hopefully help I’ve done a tag in this post.

    Take care KT