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  • 50 subscribers

I am not good this week.  I went for my picc line on Thurs they had had a problem--- come back early tomorrow.   Next day all ready for it to be done --had I had my blood thinners yes I have them in a morning so can't be done, no one told me.

So now its another week before treatment. Feeling rough all aches and pains wondering if new treatment will make me worse. Is it really worth the struggle.  I am meeting my Palliative nurse the day before so will discuss it with her, I was all for new chance of a little extra time but it gets harder to go on. I know you all have troubles why is it so hard for us all.

C J   X X

  • Dear daloni,

    I have had experiences of hospices.  I know they can concentrate fully on you and your pain. In a hospital you are sharing busy people who have to rush off to their next patient.

    A sight of some family and friends will make such a difference to you.

    Thinking of you and expecting, not hoping for,  some relief from your pain. Mrs norberry sends best wishes.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Daloni, no words can truly convey our feelings. You are such a brave and intelligent woman. I truly hope you are soon pain free x

  • Hi , I’m catching up with things and I’m thinking how well you are coping through all this pain and to echo that loads of people are thinking of you, wanting that pain to ease for you asap, and that you see your family soon. If ever there was a time to think of yourself then it seems that this is one of them, time to soak in all the wonderful wishes from others. 

    I’m thinking that you’re continuing to be such a dedicated, thoughtful and wonderful champ that perhaps you are inspiring some of your fellow incorrigibles to think about continuing their really helpful support of others on here and adding the volunteering champ badge. Just the occasional update when you feel able to manage, and feel you can reach out, as we know how much the community means to you. You posted just after midnight so I’m hoping that means today you might move to a hospice to benefit from all their expertise and more personal treatment to get that pain under control. They better have a good WiFi signal or we will see you getting so cross.

    Take care 

    Take care KT

  • Hi ,

    Just like everyone else, I am sending you love over the ether and hoping all these messages get read, even if unanswered. I think for people, like you, who have been "strong", copers, someone others look to for support, it is incredibly hard and scary to accept that the mantle must go to others and we need to become the recipient of care. The Buddhist monk Ram Dass wrote about how hard it was for him, following a stroke, to accept help and that he knew it was a hard lesson he needed to learn and accepting our helplessness is the only way in the end.I hope the hospice can support you in your pain and you can see your daughters and family. You are a courageous woman, and I am sure you face this current situation with courage tempered by fear, as we all will.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ownedbystaffies


    Just letting you know, while the site is still up, that I'm thinking jf you and hoping your pain is being managed as well as possible.



  • Hi ,

    I thought that I would message you now as I don't believe I can post from 9am tomorrow until the evening of the 29th (if everything goes OK).as the site is finally going to be upgraded.  I wanted to be sure that you knew we were all thinking of you even if we could not get in touch.  There is no need for you to reply.

    I hope that you have got moved to the hospice as you wanted and that your pain is more under control.  It has been a nice day to have the windows open here with sunshine and a lovely fresh breeze.  I understand that tomorrow is not going to be so nice with rain forecast all day in most areas.

    Once Macmillan have completed upgrading the site you might want to consider asking them to take a look at yourself.  Similar to the photographs you seem to have spent a lot of your time at 90 degrees to the rest of the world recently.  Except for when the nurses are altering your inclination to get a more acceptable blood pressure reading from you when you are sleeping.  Of course I'm only joking as I am sure that you are getting the best of care available to you at the moment.

    I had a bread making disaster today.  I recently got some bigger loaf tins so doubled my recipe and it rose beautifully.  I knocked it back, put it in the bigger tin, let it rise again and put it in the oven.  I took it out when I thought it would be done but even with the bigger tin it had risen so much that it was too big for the tin.  This meant that it was jammed in the tin and I could not tap it out to see if the base was done.  It looked done but I put it back in for another ten minutes just in case before taking it out.

    When it cooled down and I tipped it out the base was still wet and slightly sticky and obviously under cooked.  It was not a total loss as when I cut it open, as it cooled the uncooked dough had pulled itself away from the top of the loaf and collapsed.  We cut off the top third which was cooked properly with a lovely crust and kept that for us whilst the birds have got the rest.  I think I need to adjust the quantities a bit and then work out the timings properly.

    I hope that you are feeling better and getting plenty of rest, not easy at a hospital which is another reason I hope you have got to the hospice.

    Sending lots of love to you and your family,

    Gragon xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear ,

    Looks like the site is going off line during the upgrade. I am thinking of you, and hope your pain is under control.  In fact I think everyone on the forum is thinking of you.

    Hope you get all the messages of love and thoughts for you.  Wishing I was there to be of help and hold your hand and get some good drugs for you.  

    Hang in there daloni, I hope the pain goes a way, I know spinal pain at a personal level  and it is not pretty.

    Until we reach the other side of this upgrade. Our thoughts and goodwill are with you.



  • Hi Gang!  Well thanks if it wasn't for your post here, I would not have realised the site was actually closing for its upgrade! I wonder did you get notification of this? Anyway, I went looking and found the post telling us about it!

    You know we are all thinking about you!

    Hi Millie, thanks to you to, I'm looking forward to our upgraded site!

    Well Gang, Take care for the next few days and I will see you on the other side! Of the new site of course! Lol!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv


    thanks so much for your delightful poems, thoughts, reminiscences, tales of daily life. They are hugely uplifting.

    I am still in the hospital but finally with a better grip on what they’ve called my “complex pain”. . My family has been able to visit. Hurray!

    The epidural plan remains somewhat tentative. We shall see. 
    much love yo you all 

  • Very glad to hear from you Daloni before we go into radio silence, I’m sure you will have lots to up date us with after Wednesday. So glad your family could visit but presumably without noodle. 

    Really nice to hear from you and  that the pain is beginning to be better managed.

    sending a big virtual gentle hug

    Take care KT