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  • 50 subscribers

I am not good this week.  I went for my picc line on Thurs they had had a problem--- come back early tomorrow.   Next day all ready for it to be done --had I had my blood thinners yes I have them in a morning so can't be done, no one told me.

So now its another week before treatment. Feeling rough all aches and pains wondering if new treatment will make me worse. Is it really worth the struggle.  I am meeting my Palliative nurse the day before so will discuss it with her, I was all for new chance of a little extra time but it gets harder to go on. I know you all have troubles why is it so hard for us all.

C J   X X

  • Hi Daloni, I am so sorry things have escalated so quickly. No one expects you to reply to posts etc It is great and let's everyone know just how strong you are for you to post the above!

    Please just take care of yourself and rest. I hope you manage a transfer to the hospice where you can have visitors. There they can hopefully get on top of this pain!

    You will be, as usual, in my thoughts and prayers. I am sure everyone here will be thinking about you!

    Take Care my friend!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Dear Daloni

    I hope you are getting some relief and sleep. The hospice would seem a much more comfortable place and give you time to think. 

    Thinking of you, sending you love, strength and courage


    Flowerlady x
  • ,

    I'm saddened to hear that they are struggling to get on top of your pain and hope that the "things you haven't tried yet" are successful in blocking it.  Hopefully you can get to the hospice soon and have the support of your family on hand again.

    You have the love and support of the people on this site and everyone is wishing you well.

    Love and hugs,

    Gragon xx

  • , i will be thinking of you and relly hope the other drugs can give you some relief from the pain..Hospice it may a good idea, i hope your girls can visit there???

    Big hug, Pet

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Daloni
    I was sorry to read that the doctors have still not been able to control your pain and you are finding things understandably so.very difficult. I hope the hospital can get you moved to the hospice and that you are then able to see your family and friends, if there is a garden it would be nice to get outside and you can see them there.  I am sorry you are feeling so low but it is understandable under the circumstances.

    • if there are things they have not tried that might help I do hope they can quickly come to an agreement with you to do that.  You are so loving and giving of your time for the rest of us, even at a time like this. I do not expect a response all I wanted to do is reach out to you to say like the others I am there, I send my love and support always.  It is at times like this when you want to offer friendship, and care to someone that you hope your worlds are adequate enough and can pass on exactly what you are trying to say. I am there willing myself to send that love and friendship to you on your ward or in your side room. Please take care love xxx
  • Hi 

    I'm so very sorry for you having to go through those pain cycles, I would be frightened also. I'm sure the doctors are doing their utmost to help you perhaps by now they have.

    When you get to the hospice you'll possibly get to see your family which will make you feel happy. I hope you will be able to sit in the garden and I know that you will love that, you'll be looking and identifying plants, smiling when you see some that you have in your own garden.

    We don't expect you to write to individuals, what you have written already is wonderful, especially considering your present circumstances.

    Take care Daloni

    My love to you

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Daloni

    I have no words left, every one has used them all,thinking of you and your family, and hope this get sorted soon.

    Take Care Ellie

    "You Never Walk A Lone"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Daloni,

    Just to let you know I'm thinking of you and wishing you nothing but luck, I'm so sorry you're going through this, but things can only get better Kissing.

    Sending hugs, positive vibes.

    Will say a prayer Pray for you stay strong Daloni


  • Awful times for you - no-one expects replies but we'll keep writing so that you have something nice to distract you - hopefully. A little bit of love and admiration will hopefully go some way to helping you cope. So sorry the pain isn't well managed, doesn't seem right. Praying they sort that soon. 

    I'm also praying for your girls - so tough for you all. I hope you know that you did all the hard work with them though, you set the foundations for their futures with such love and care that they will go on and be happy (they will) - I only know this because you have shown such concern for others I can't believe it didn't happen in your own home, I'm sure it did. They have had a mighty example to follow and will come through stronger for all of this no matter how hard it seems today. I know, easy for me to say, but Daloni, you have boldly spoken out these truths to others so I'm following your lead. 

    There's a poem by Helen Dunmore that I really like which I think you can absolutely say applies to how you've lived these years of incurable. In fact, it is reflected in so many of you who choose to post on this site - you are all marvellous. I don't believe death is something to be scared of... I hope it's ok to post it on here:

    My life's stem was cut,

    But quickly, lovingly

    I was lifted up, 

    I heard the rush of the tap,

    And I was set in water, 

    In the blue vase, beautiful,

    In lip and curve,

    And here I am

    Opening one petal

    As the tea cools.

    I wait while the sun moves

    And the bees finish their dancing, 

    I know that I am dying

    But why not keep flowering

    As long as I can 

    From my cut stem?        By Helen Dunmore 

    Daloni - you have flourished in the hardest of times, I pray that as you come to terms with this new phase, you continue to feel deeply loved and cherished. 

  • What a fabulous poem, it made me cry (in a good way).

    A life lived in fear, is a life half lived.