
  • 90 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I received a letter this morning informing me that my first appointment for chemo, is Friday 26 June,which is earlier than expected,but in one sense I will be glad to get started.


  • Hi friends

    I see you're talking about Daloni, I wish I knew myself. When she's quiet, she's usually not well. If she's not posting, she may be reading the posts.

    Hi Daloni, we hope you can get well enough to have a little chat. We're concerned about your health and we miss our taliswoman Slight smile

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  •  Hi Peggy, It's true none of us like being in hospital but if you are feeling bad, you know it's the best place to be! It sounds good your Consultant is going to reduce chemo to a level your bday can tolerate! The drug I was on had to be reduced too because of side effects and of course we worry thinking a reduced dose won't work as efficiently, yet it has been proved time after time it dose work! Do you think they will start the reduced chemo once you are feeling better and out of hospital? I hope that will be soon!

     I had asked you about Daloni because I thought I had missed a post, which happens often as notifications to me seem to get lost! However not long after I had posted that, I received a PM from her to say things had gone from bad to worse and they weren't having much success in getting control of the pain! was spot on when he said she didn't post when she was unwell! She has now posted in the Thread called D.I.Y. CANCER! So you can read for yourself how things have suddenly taken a huge turn for the worse! 

    I wonder if the hospital you are in allows visitors, or even 1 visitor? It must be the worst thing, not having the visiting time to look forward to! I hope things improve rapidly for you and you are soon back home, once the antibiotics have done their work!

    Take Care 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Georgette

    Hi Georgette 

    Still in here but feeling a lot better.had two days of high temperatures to do with infection but coming out of it.The.funny thing my face enr

    bright red like I was sun brunt  and then last night I looked in the mirror which I don’t do much and it looked like brown patches 

    now it’s started peeling great site it feels cooler now so perhaps it will go back to normal.What with the face swollen and no hair

    i think I won’t look. JoyJoy
    Of course now I am feeling better I want to go home but have to wait till blood count goes up again.Doh!

    Still onward and upward another day today.Hope you are ok and your treatment kinder Kiss

  • Hi, I hope your bloods are fine so you can get your treatment later today! Please keep us informed!

    I have to have bloods done on Tuesday (28th) followed 2 hours later by an MRI. I will then get the results of both during my appointment with my Oncologist! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Peggy

    I hope your bloods improve and you can leave hospital and get into the warmth and surroundings of your own home. 

    It's great to see that you haven't lost your wicked sense of humour, I had a wide grin on my face after reading that you won't look in the mirror and to be truthful I'm not sure i want to look at you either. Do you not think my hallucinations are bad enough?Slight smileSlight smile I hope you take that last sentence with the humour that I meant to accompany it.

    Take care and stay safe Peggy

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Hi tv man

    Im still here bloods not gone up enough! I’m glad I made you smile and decided I jook

    like a cabbage patch doll so I would be good in your veg plot with Woody!,JoyJoy

    Take care love your spuds HibiscusZzzRoseCherry blossom

  •   Hi Peggy, That's a shame your bloods aren't good enough for you to get home! Hopefully they will pick up soon!   

    The photo you have here doesn't look anything like a cabbage patch doll! So is that the before photo???

    Don't be giving @Tvman any ideas or before you know it, his wife will have made a cabbage patch partner for Woody! Lol! Right enough, he does look a bit lonely standing there!!

     Hi, still wondering if you managed to get your treatment yesterday? Please bring us up to date!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hi Annette

     Bloods have. pick

     up a little I maybe able to go home tomorrow morning.yay

    The photo is definitely a old photo my face is peeling now so they have given me some moisturiser to put on.

    I would definitely be good as a scarecrow.

    take care xx

  •  Hi Peggy, I'm sure you are being too hard on yourself!

    Thats great you may get home tomorrow but remember try not to build your hopes up, you know what hospitals can be like. Maybe best to think about going home on Monday and then if you get home tomorrow, it's a bonus!!

    Good luck!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  •   Hi Peggy, I'm sure you are being too hard on yourself!

    Thats great you may get home tomorrow but remember try not to build your hopes up, you know what hospitals can be like. Maybe best to think about going home on Monday and then if you get home tomorrow, it's a bonus!!

    Good luck!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!