
  • 90 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I received a letter this morning informing me that my first appointment for chemo, is Friday 26 June,which is earlier than expected,but in one sense I will be glad to get started.


  • Hi Daloni,

    so glad you got th chocolate.

    i remember having a scan on my back when it was painful to lie flat and the pain was for the whole scan until I cagoules move my legs up afterwards.

    i know how you feel about moving to palliative that has now happened to me. Sometimes I can detach myself and feel quite philosophical that we all have to die sometime. Other times I am crying inside and seeing my daughter can make me feel the tears. 
    the good thing is my morphine tablets have helped with headaches and I am eating small amounts again . I actually feel a lot better. I just worry about the future and having to rely on others silly things like not being able to do the housework. I am still walking and talking and trying to take each day at a time 

    my holiday to Greece is still booked for September my husband says we can’t go just hoping was keeping me going 

    still not sure that antidepressants can work and don’t want to try them.

    live xxx


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi daloni, just wanted to say I'm thinking if you and sending you best wishes and good luck.

    I haven't been on here for a while as been feeling low etc, but just wanted to wish you luck and keep going, you were so very kind to me when I first joined this group made me feel better about my situation, 

    Sending you virtual hugs


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I am sorry to hear you’ve been feeling down. Is it something specific or just the generality of incurable cancer? Maybe you don’t feel like answering. That’s ok. 

    In any event, love and hugs. I hope some good devon air will help your mood 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi, it's a combination of chemo and steroids and being incurable, but today has been a good day, been to the beach.

    Had 3rd round of chemo yesterday so far all good, my oncologist rang on Wednesday she seems to think I'm doing ok will have scan after all chemo done with which won't be for another 6 weeks to see if it's working, which will determine whether to continue, pretty nerve wracking

    Anyway that's me hope you're feeling better and soon on the mend.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Aha. The old triple whammy of chemo/steroids/incurable will do it every time. I’m glad today has been better. I’m so jealous of the beach. I’ve not been outside since Tuesday. 

    I am feeling quite chipper today. I’ve accepted I won’t be home before the weekend. My daughter is safely home from holiday and will be staying with her dad so that’s a weight off. All the things that needed to happen today have happened at the hospital. So all is good. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear and Gang,

    Its been 7 days since my last Chemo  And I am finally feeling better. Still have constant back pain  most likely collateral damage from the mustard gas derivative (bendamustine). 
    Chemo is not easy.

    But I’m still here and moving and feeling good enough to start gardening again.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi daloni

    Sorry you are still in hospital it must seem ages to you.Im glad you are feeling better today and hopefully you will soon be coming out.

    Im back in hospital with high temperature. I came in Sunday night had to go through A&E got to a ward next morning then I was moved again on to a cancer ward.Yesterday my temperature started to climb again today I feel a bit better hopefully it will keep dropping.Having Antibiotics and fluids hopefully I will get out for the weekend.

    I have been sleeping loads just hope I can sleep tonight. Take care Kiss

  •  Hi Peggy, I was so sorry to read you are back in hospital but I suppose it's the best place to be when your temperature is very high, then they can keep a close eye on you! Do they think you have an infection somewhere or are the antibiotics a precaution? I take it you will have had bloods don't by now and I hope they don't waken you to do your obs or bloods if they haven't done them during the day!

    I hope they get you sorted out quickly, so you can get home to your own bed! I take it from your post that didn't get home today as she hoped! I have been watching out for a post, as I'm not getting many notifications, but didn't  see her post yesterday! (Wednesday)!  Isn't it a shame you are not in the same hospital, then you'd both have company!

    I hope you BOTH have some uninterrupted sleep!


    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hi Annette

    Yes still in hospital,They think it’s a infection and I am having antibiotics and fluids.I am hoping I will get out

    before the weekend.I must have felt bad because I was glad to be in here yesterday when I was ill.

    I think my Consultant is going to reduce my chemo for me so I can tolerate it better.

    Im in a ward sohave 5 ladies to talk to which helps passes the time.

    Im not sure if Daloni got home I tried looking back at the post but couldn’t see if she did.It would have been lovely

    if we were in the same hospital  we could have a good old chat,

    Hope you are ok take care.

  • Hello Peggy,

    Sorry to read that you are back in hospital,& I hope this time the antibiotics  and fluids work for you. 

    Just been for blood tests,& I am hoping they are ok so that I can have the Gemsar tomorrow.

    Take care of yourself, no doubt you will be looking forward to going home again, & I hope it won't be long now for you.

    Georgette xx