Health select committee tomorrow

  • 25 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi gang

I thought you might like to know that I will be giving evidence to the parliamentary health and social services select committee tomorrow. 

They are running an inquiry into the state of core NHS services during the pandemic and calling a range of witnesses. I am taking part in the second panel session tomorrow from 9.45am to 11am alongside the chief exec of National Voices, the chair of Healthwatch England and the director of the NHS Confederation. I am there to speak as a patient. 

I'll be talking about my experience of the NHS during lockdown. As you probably know, lockdown coincided with a serious deterioration in my health that's included three admissions via A&E, countless encounters with my GP, community services and OOH services, and a period of limbo waiting for chemo to start. So I have quite a bit to talk about. I am very much hoping I will be able to work in mention of the community too. 

If you'd like to watch I think you should be able to see it via this website although you might need to do a bit of looking to find the broadcast meeting. It's a bit unclear to me right now. 

You can also follow it on twitter. I am on @dalonic and Macmillan will be tweeting on @macmillancampaigning 

For anyone in the South East of England, the BBC are sending a film crew to my house after the session to put together a package for the evening news at 6.30pm.

Wish me luck!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ruthjp

    Thanks . It was quite nerve wracking, especially when the MP asking the questions first tried to move on without talking about limbo and I had to butt in. I think the points I raised changed the conversation, especially about technology and telephone consultations. Anyway. It was worth doing, I think. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gragon

    Thanks . I felt I had to say something about shielding and I am glad I did. I don’t think Mr Hunt liked my impassioned contributions. They seemed to make him uncomfortable. Which was fun. 

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Daloni for everything you do you are an inspiration. 

  • Great job daloni, I think you will be off someone's Xmas card list for interfering with their line of questioning, you seemed to had forgotten who was in charge for a moment!

     You will have made a big difference I am sure, I am useless at technology but I think you should get your kids to make your contribution go viral.

    I had just become familiar with your real name, now I have to learn it again.

    daloni for Health Secretary.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Well done - you simply are fab - inspirational - just finished watching


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry

    Ha ha, yes you are right . I did forget who was in charge. Yes my real name is daloni but it’s not pronounced to rhyme with baloney. It’s pronounced more like Melanie with a d. I did tell them but some people just don’t listen. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Daloni

    i just watched you on the i player.I was pleased I found it usually I’m rubbish at finding things.

    i just wanted to say you put over exactly how I felt this last three months.Not knowing about the

    treatment and when it would start again.The same as you I knew that some of my cancers are 

    growing.I did get upset because you try and take it Day by day.Anyway thank you for getting the 

    message across.

    I have been offered chemo now and should start next Thursday.Fingers crossed.

    i think you are marvellous to do this and you are going through treatment yourself.

        Bless you x

  • Hi

    Just watched it, well done. I thought Charlotte A was great too. 

    It does strike me that there's not much listening going on; questions abruptly end one train of thought that could be further explored... Wonder what they really take away from it! Be interesting to see if his report actually reflects some of the strong views described. 

    For an MP who was young, seemingly fit and not (I assume) in an at risk group to say she had fear about turning up for a simple screening procedure confirms my view that there is a big gap between the (worried) well and those with significant health issues and it's very difficult for the former to understand the latter. A frustration as I also feel very strongly that so many decisions were made about covid measures by healthy people with no real understanding or insight as to what ill health is really like but seemingly filled with terror at being  struck down by a monster virus. Demonstrated nicely by the lack of acknowledgement to your statement right at the end about shielding. You could have said you were crushing grapes under your table with your toes and a small hedgehog and his (JH) reaction would have remained the same. 

    Got to hope for some of it to sink in so well done for speaking up. 

    Lots of love

  • FormerMember

    Dear daloni,

     Again you are so brave and truthful in a crazy time you are a rock. Congrats on getting out there and speaking for the patients.

    Hugs xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Darling, 

    firstly thank goodness your video wasn't upside down, lol,

    Secondly well done you, you put that very eloquently, for all of us in this situation,  phone consults are not good enough, especially when they don't listen to what your saying,

    I was told the other day to ring 111 and get a emergency Dr appointment to put my mind at ease, I don't want to have to explain to a Dr I don't know what's going on, but saying that I rang my own Drs at 9am and had a phone call back at 5.30 pm, to bloody late, I don't know where we cancer patients can go or call,  

    I really have come to the end of my teather,  

    But on that I will end this mini rant and say again WELL DONE 

    Love Max xxxx