Health select committee tomorrow

  • 25 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi gang

I thought you might like to know that I will be giving evidence to the parliamentary health and social services select committee tomorrow. 

They are running an inquiry into the state of core NHS services during the pandemic and calling a range of witnesses. I am taking part in the second panel session tomorrow from 9.45am to 11am alongside the chief exec of National Voices, the chair of Healthwatch England and the director of the NHS Confederation. I am there to speak as a patient. 

I'll be talking about my experience of the NHS during lockdown. As you probably know, lockdown coincided with a serious deterioration in my health that's included three admissions via A&E, countless encounters with my GP, community services and OOH services, and a period of limbo waiting for chemo to start. So I have quite a bit to talk about. I am very much hoping I will be able to work in mention of the community too. 

If you'd like to watch I think you should be able to see it via this website although you might need to do a bit of looking to find the broadcast meeting. It's a bit unclear to me right now. 

You can also follow it on twitter. I am on @dalonic and Macmillan will be tweeting on @macmillancampaigning 

For anyone in the South East of England, the BBC are sending a film crew to my house after the session to put together a package for the evening news at 6.30pm.

Wish me luck!

  • Hi Daloni

    Congratulations, I've just watched your interview on the I player. You were competent, confident and articulate, outlining your experiences in a&e, then when prompted you highlighted the hole you were in regarding when your treatment was going to begin whilst the tumours in your lungs, liver and spine are continuing to grow. Then you brought in your knowledge of members of the Online Community who are also in limbo, acknowledging their great concerns and that they are distressed because their treatment has been discontinued or, as in your own case because they have no idea when their chemo will begin.

    Again Daloni, congratulations on presenting the problems encountered by you and many other patients regarding treatment problems resulting from the weight of care pitched in favour of Covid19.

    Take a bow Daloni Slight smile

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gobaith

    Hi  Clare

    How right you are, particularly about decisions being made by fit, young healthy people with no insight into ill health. I was told this week that the change in shielding for people living alone came after a Dominic Cummins heard by email from a single mum friend how challenging she was finding shielding. It is outrageous (a) that the shielding policy and guidance should have been developed without input from the very people it would affect and (b) that the guidance should change on the basis of an email. This is a government that does not know how to govern. Rant over. 

    Ok no it's not. I agree that the MP who questioned me (I forget his name) seemed supremely uninterested in what I had to say. I had the feeling he couldn't get rid of me quickly enough. Perhaps I made him uncomfortable with my poor health and all. I was very glad I didn't let him off the hook and insisted on talking about the limbo. I had the impression I made Jeremy Hunt very uncomfortable too. It did feel good talking truth unto power, mind you. 

    And yes Charoltte A was great. 


  • Wasnt Gobaith absolutely bang on with her comments? I wish dumb and dumber could read all the views made on the forum about the failure to listen and the not caring enough to understand either.

    It really grated everytime they used your name incorrectly, I know you are probably used to it but very bad manners in my opinion.

  • this is absolutely fabulous!

    So many of us have had our treatment stopped or delayed.

    I am personally aware of some  H&N Cancer patients being denied feeding tubes and some being denied adequate pain relief.

    You are an absolute inspiration.

    Sharon xx

    Hubby - Left tonsil squamous cell carcinoma P16 positive with neck nodes T1N1M0 - 30 fractions of radiotherapy and 6 weeks of chemotherapy, Cisplatin in December / January 2019/20

    Me - Invasive lobular breast cancer - Grade 2, Stage 2 - mastectomy October 2019 - 15 fractions of radiotherapy December / January 2019/20 

  • @daloni, just managed to watch it - well done, your journalistic background shone through and your confidence and eloquence were evident. I loved the point you made about people actually needing to have internet to access online services, I think some MPs have very little idea that there are lots of people who don't. And also, as you said, it takes confidence to talk to a doctor online or via phone. Let's hope Select committees actually listen and take note. The cynic in me is strong though. Well done.

    And for anyone who has struggled to find it , this link should take your there, and daloni starts at about 41 mins in.