Talking to people who are in the same situation

  • 26 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Hi am new to all this a little shy not really sure what to say to start x

  • Hi and a warm welcome although as others have said, sorry to meet you here! You have done so well already, writing in your page with info, posting your first post and replying to replies! Wow, well done indeed! I think I read the posts for a couple of months before I took part in a discussion but then wished I had done that earlier.

    I have a different cancer from you (Malignant Melanoma) and chemo doesn't have good results with this type of cancer, however, there are lots of people here who are on chemo. Some have had more than one cycle, some are coming toward the end of their cycle and other have just started or are about to start theirs! I'm sure you will meet lots of people here in a similar position to yourself.

    However, we are all incurable or incouragables as I like to call us! It's not all about cancer, there is a discussion ongoing about Gardens 2020 where people share their tips etc, just for friendship and contact! If you have a garden, it's worth a look! I'm one of the lucky ones here and have lived well passed my sell by date, so don't dismay, enjoy every day!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi 

    Welcome to the group that no one wants to join. It's lovely to meet you, but honestly I'd rather have met you elsewhere. 

    Well done you for filling in your profile so early and that is a nice introduction, we'll get to know you better in good time, whether you have a partner or children.

    I was diagnosed in March 2015 with a blood cancer and when at times I have felt a little low or my cancer has taken a downturn I have greatly benefitted from support which had moved me to tears because so many people show how much they care.

    You'll find a lot of very friendly people here in this group. You will also find support, sympathy and empathy which no doubt is why you have joined the Community and this group in particular. 

    I understand that you are a little shy, that's not a problem. I am too, I'm sure others are also, and to borrow a phrase from elsewhere, we're in it together. 

    I believe you have an interest in gardening, well there's a very interesting gardening thread with beautiful flowers and vegetables even though I say it myself lol Slight smile

    Take care and stay safe Charlotte Louise and I look forward to chatting with you again.

    Tvman x 

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember

    Hi Charlotte Louise,

    I'm new here too, so we are both in the same boat in that respect.  I don't know what to say either, other than it is great to see the welcoming messages.

    I know in one of your messages you spoke about the positivity you'd seen.  I just wanted to say that, personally, I'm that way inclined a lot of the time but that I get do get down about it all.  Really down, sometimes.  When that happens, I try to get my head into control by explaining to myself that it's entirety natural to feel that way and reminding myself that those feelings will pass.

    I'm on chemo at the moment.  I had my first carbo and caelyx for recurrence almost three weeks ago.  Five more to go....

    Sorry to meet you here,

  • Hi Gem

    Don't think I've seen you here before I saw your post to Charlotte Louise and I know a little about you after reading your profile. Lovely to meet another new member but of course I would prefer if it were somewhere else. You're very welcome to be here.

    Love the username btw although I can't say I'm not relieved to be calling you Gemmywemmy lol. 

    Of course it's natural to get down sometimes, I think we all do and when someone posts and says that, we can all understand and we're able to respond to someone in the way that we would like to see ourselves. It's a horrible feeling but coming out of it feels so good.

    Good luck with the rest of your chemo Gem, how are you coping with it? It's something I can only guess at, I've a blood cancer and as with one or two others in our group, my treatment is not by chemo. I'm sure getting to know some of the names of various chemos though.

    Take care and stay safe.

    Tvman x

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Gem ( )  Just wanted to welcome you to the Group! No one knows quite what to say when they first join but when you are feeling really down and don't want to stress your family, this is where to come to discuss how you feel! A problem shared ...etc    Everyone here knows exactly how it feels, although I was pleased to read you felt positive most of the time, as we all try to be and take one day at a time but sometimes it creeps up on you when you least expect it and when it does, we are all here!

    Hi Charlotte Louise, I hope you are not feeling as shy now and realise that because you posted, then Gem posted also, so you have helped someone else already, well done! How are you doing?

    Hi Georgette, Just wanted to ask when your appointment is this week and wish you good luck for when it comes!

    I am looking forward to getting to know you all in the coming weeks and months, welcome to the Gang!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hi thank you for your lovely message not been on here last few days as I had a biopsy on monday then chemo yesterday and we know how that can make you feel, I am so looking forward to getting to no everyone too but still having probs with me trying to get into group conversations ect so gunna see if my sister in law can help me later everyone who knows me knows am not great when things are technical lol hopefully will be on here more soon x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    And another welcome from me. I agree it’s hard to know what to say at first. I also agree about being positive but allowing yourself to feel ok about being down. It happens to all of us.

    I’ve just had a few days of really struggling with feeling down. I’m finding the fatigue that goes with chemo a real challenge and I want to whinge. Everyone around me physically is telling me to rest and take it easy. It just makes me want ti smack them, unfortunately. I’ve got no choice but to take it easy as my body won’t do anything else. But I don’t want to take it easy. I want to he able to walk the dog. It’s only here I know people will understand. 

    Sorry! That wasn’t much of a welcome, was it? 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear and ,

    I think this group is positive, however when bombarded with chemo and treatment, its not us feeling down, it is the result of the chemo pulling us down while it is killing the cancer. Daloni, I understand about wanting to walk Noodles, but somedays are just sofa day. Understand about wanting to smack them even, anyway to borrow a rolling chair and have someone take you and Noodles for that walk? That might get rid of the downers and get the folks saying take it easy to take you out!

    Love to you both,


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks for the warm welcome, all of you. 

    Your comment about just walking the dog ( sweet!) really struck a chord

    When I can, I like to do things around the house but I hate being told to take it easy; I just want to be useful.  When I was diagnosed, overnight I went from being an independent woman, a successful (ish) solicitor, with a vain hope of it not being too late to start a family to all the stuff that cancer and surgical menopause brings.  No one gets to tell me that I shouldn't be loading the dishwasher!!!!!

  • Hi Gang, Oh I don't think anyone likes to be told NOT to do this or that, in fact it makes you want to do it more to prove a point. Hi Gem, it's good you can potter round the house when you feel like it and of course you are right, loading the dishwasher isn't exactly a big task but as said, sometimes all you can do some days is lie down, so days when you feel a bit better, it's nice to feel useful and fill the dishwasher or help make dinner! The trouble with me is, the things I can't do now outnumber the things I can do and I just want to do it ALL myself! Stubborn or what!

    I hope you are all asleep by now!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!