
  • 37 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Hi all,

I have my date to startThumbsup, I have my picc line put in on the 9th and first treatment on the 11th, pretty nervous praying it has the desired affect. The hospital is fairly close so at least I haven't got the worry of public transport, unlike daloni, fingers crossed all goes smoothly and well for you.

Been pretty tired today, didn't know I could sleep so much, they say it might be cooler tomorrow so may pop out for a while,

Have a good evening everyone x

  • Hi all

    Devon Cat, madmomma and Daloni pleased to hear treatment is starting will be thinking of you.  

    I have my last chemo tomorrow and then a scan on 17th June (our wedding anniversary) and follow up on 23rd to decide what next so fingers crossed.  Hoping for better news this year - got the news I had first had cancer last 17th June ... 

    Much as I love the sun it started raining here early hours this morning I was wide awake - got to sleep without a problem as usual but have been waking up and then struggling to get back to sleep but last night it was quite therapeutic laying in the dark listening to the rain.  The temperature has definitely dropped but it is more comfortable and forecast here on the South coast is showers again tomorrow so hopefully won't be so hot in the hospital.

    Hope you all have a restful evening.


    Carpe Diem
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Deb1E

    Thanks . Your last and my first. Now that’s a day for hope 


  • Hi Well you did have a busy day on Tuesday! That's great you start treatment later today! There's no time like the present! It is good they are using a lower dose and keeping an eye on your kidneys! I'm sure the lower dose will work just as well and hopefully, fewer side effects!! you must be excited having your last chemo today, I hope it has worked for you and you get good news on the 17th, now wouldn't that be a great anniversary present! Good luck getting your picc line in on the 9th and with starting your chemo! () Hi Max  good luck with the start of your immunotherapy on 9th also. Remember to drink lots of water and keep your hands warm, it can really make a difference when they are looking for a vein! Last but not least good luck starting your oral drug, I hope everything goes smoothly for you! 

    PHEW! I hope I haven't forgotten anyone starting new treatment! If I have, I apologise and wish you well. The weather is much better, now that it is cooler! I know lots of people love hot sunny days but for me, it was just too hot and made me feel exhausted. Yesterday morning the air was lovely and fresh, just what I needed!

    I hope everyone enjoys the next couple of cooler days, I know I will!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Daloni ,   Good Luck today darling, everything crossed that it all goes smoothly for you , thinking off you Love Max xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Goodness! Now the system is putting in my images upside down. Should I read anything into it? I’m now at the hospital having my chemo. We are on schedule. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Big hugs to 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi daloni

    the picture made me smile. Hope things are going well?  Please take care xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Glad everything going to plan, you've been in my thoughts this morning, great picture by the way lol Upside down


  • I now know the rash on my bottom is shingles it comes and goes and has done for years . I always thought it was herpes but of course that is the same thing 

    love Ruth xx

    also I often find the pictures go on sideways or upside down 


  • Hi Daloni,

    I hope that the treatment is going well for you & pleased it was on schedule.  Good picture even though it is upside down,at least you can get pics on there.

    Take care, Georgette xx