
  • 37 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Hi all,

I have my date to startThumbsup, I have my picc line put in on the 9th and first treatment on the 11th, pretty nervous praying it has the desired affect. The hospital is fairly close so at least I haven't got the worry of public transport, unlike daloni, fingers crossed all goes smoothly and well for you.

Been pretty tired today, didn't know I could sleep so much, they say it might be cooler tomorrow so may pop out for a while,

Have a good evening everyone x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Devon Cat,

    Wishing you all the best for your start of treatment, glad you got your dates sorted, I like you start treatment the 9th, im hoping it all goes well, so far as I know im not having a picc line, they are going to try for veins lol, just hope that they behave lol, 

    I know what you mean about tired, could sleep all day, but then awake all night , 

    again fingers crossed that all goes well for you, 

    Max xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I think my veins have given up, took ages to get 4 small vials of blood yesterday, I usually watch a film in bed which sends me off, it's the only way I can sleep nowadays.

    Wishing you good luck Fingers crossed for the 9th and I hope they find a vein


  • Hi & Max ()  It is good to know you both have dates to start your treatment and I just wanted to wish you good luck. There seems to be quite a few people now ready to start treatment, which is terrific!

    Well tonight just after 6.30pm it started to rain here. It's the first night for ages I didn't need to water the garden and tonight the air feels much fresher and cooler, so I hope that will help everyone sleep better!

    Hoping anyone on treatment or starting treatment can do so safely and the treatment works like magic for you all!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv



    Well it looks as though we will have quite the chemo club. I too have a start date although it’s not the one I was expecting. I’m now due to start on Thursday. As in tomorrow given it’s 3.30am or thereabouts on Wednesday now. I’ll have a teleconference with the team at 9.30am today - I’ve been given a video system to log into - and hopefully get the go ahead. 

    In fact it’s been a busy day for telephone calls. The first was from the complementary therapist at Guys cancer centre. They can’t do hands on treatments now, he said, so instead they are making aromatherapy sticks for patients. We discussed my issues, insomnia and pain being top of my list, and I am to expect my aromatherapy stick in the post today. Isn’t that lovely? 

    Then the call came from the chemo booking clerk. He booked the telemedicine conference call before casually dropping in that I would be expected in for chemo on Thursday. 

    Cue round of calls to ask the friend who’d volunteered to drive me on Monday if she could do Thursday (she could). 

    By which time I was feeling right rough. I’d been in pain all day and feeling increasingly unwell. Then I realised that the bubbly rash around my coccyx had taken a nasty turn and was infected. The GP surgery was closed so I called NHS111. A series of calls ended with me speaking to the on call GP in my local A&E department. She was keen to avoid me coming in so we worked our way through a dermatology website, diagnosed shingles with a topical infection. Half an hour later my neighbour picked up antibiotics (take four times a day), antivirals (take five times a day, I predict confusion) and an antibiotic cream. 

    I do find all these new ways of working just fascinating. I’m pretty confident about my own health and about using the internet and I can see it wouldn’t work for everyone but really it was great. 

    I do hope that today is quieter for me. I’m feeling better already now the meds are in my system and working. I feel slightly annoyed by my consultant who ignored me when I told her on Monday that I thought I had a patch of shingles on my coccyx. Perhaps she just didn’t hear me. 

    I am also hoping for a cooler day weather wise. I know everyone is enjoying the heat but I’m in compression stockings, my skin is super sensitive to the sun after years of cancer treatment and a day’s respite from the heat would be welcome. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Daloni and Devon cat, we got a club lol, do you mind if I ask what treatment you are being put on, mine is prembo, 

    So guys I have everything I can cross for you both to have good results with what ever treatment you are having, no nasty side effects for you either, 

    will be thinking about you tomorrow Daloni , if and when can you pop on and let us know your ok hun, 

    Devon cat I will be thinking of you on the 9th, 

    Good luck to us all 

    Love Max xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear Max 

    thinking about all of you, daloni Devon cat and everyone having treatment. Sending love, support and wishing you all good things .xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you, hope your journey is being kind to you  xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Max,

    I will be having a 3 combination, Folifirinox,

    Good luck to everyone, sending positive vibes


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I am on cisplatin. They are keeping the dose low as it has an impact on the kidneys and only one of mine is working. That’s fine by me 


  • That’s good news 
